Beijing's international terminal is the world s largest and most advanced airport building - not just technologically,but also in terms of passenger exDenence, operational efficiency ana sustainability. This book celebrates the story of the airport, from inception to completion - a process that remarkably took just four years.
Beijing's international terminal is the world s largest and most advanced airport building - not just technologically,but also in terms of passenger exDenence, operational efficiency ana sustainability. Comoleted as the gateway to the city for the XXIX Qlymppiad. it is designed to be welcoming and uplifting.A symbol of place, its soanng roof and daragon-like form celebrate the poetry of flight and evoke traditional Chinese colours ana symbols, Designed for maximum flexibility to cope with the un predictablenature of the aviation industry, it aims to resolve the complexities of air travel, combining spatial clarity with high service standards. Public transport connections are fully integrated, walking distances are short and transfer times are minimised, Like Stansted and Chek Lap Kok airoorts before it the terminal is planned beneath a unifying roof canopy, wnose skylights are both an aid to orientation and sources of daylight. This book celebrates the story of the airport, from inception to completion - a process that remarkably took just four years.