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书名 | 父与子全集(英汉双语彩色版) |
分类 | 少儿童书-动漫绘本-儿童绘本 |
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出版社 | 北京工业大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《父与子全集(英汉双语彩色版)》是德国著名漫画家埃·奥·卜劳恩的经典作品,原作只有漫画,译者余杰配上了简短的中英文对白,贴合原作,对原作幽默精神做了比较到位的阐述。配上对话后,这一经典作品更易为大家所理解,可以吸引更多的读者。书中漫画清晰,对话平实,长度适当,编排比较到位。 目录 惩罚 / 1 Punish 有趣的书 / 2 An Interesting Book 滑轮 “汽车”/ 3 The Pulley “Car” 会走的箱子 / 4 Walking Suitcase 打架 / 5 Fight 海豹 / 6 The Seals 正中靶心 / 7 Right in the Center Bull’s Eye 恢复青春 / 8 Rejuvenation 图画的局限 / 9 The Limitations of the Paintings 体育锻炼 / 10 Exercise 家庭杂技表演 / 11 Acrobatics 哄儿入睡 / 12 Hypnotism 榜样 / 13 Example 理发 / 14 Haircut 忘记加葡萄干的蛋糕 / 15 The Cake without Raisins 儿子出逃后 / 16 The Little Runaway 骑马 / 17 Ride 报复 / 18 Revenge 小兔子送来的礼物 / 19 Presents from the Rabbit 失败的挑战者 / 20 An Unsuccessful Challenger 喝醉酒的老爸 / 21 Dad Got Drunk 球赛照片 / 22 The Ball Match Photo 来自鱼儿的信 / 23 A Letter from Fish 避雨 / 24 Protected from the Rain 儿子是个发明家 / 25 My Son Is an Inventor 越长越矮 / 26 Grown Shorter 请勿打扰 / 27 Don't Bother 本性难移 / 28 Unchanged Spots 生日的惊喜 / 29 Birthday Surprise 这太够了 / 30 More than Enough 输棋的爸爸 / 31 After Father Loses Game 什么都要有个限度 / 32 Everything Should Have a Limit 两对父子 / 33 Two Pairs of Father and Son 夕阳西下图 / 34 The Picture of Setting Sun 梦游者 / 35 The Sleepwalker 乐器的新用途 / 36 The New Usage of Musical Instruments 吓人的胡子 / 38 Scary Beard 螺旋 / 39 The Spirals 再玩一次 / 40 Play Again 梦和现实 / 41 The Dream and the Reality 足球 / 42 The Football 不值得帮助的家伙 / 43 A Guy Not Worthy of Help 势利眼 / 44 Snobbery 按部就班 / 45 In Correct Order 救火 / 47 Put Out the Fire 新地毯 / 48 The New Carpet 不择手段 / 49 Unscrupulously 摘苹果 / 50 Pick the Apple 倔强的马 / 51 The Stubborn Horse 家长签字 / 52 The Signature 我没骗人 / 53 I’m not Lying 神秘的圣诞礼物 / 55 Mystery Present for Christmas 交换圣诞礼物 / 57 Exchange the Christmas Presents 爱心奉献 / 58 Love Offering 玩具枪 / 59 Toy Guns 滑冰 / 61 Skating 烧焦的食物 / 63 The Charred Food 聪明的马 / 65 The Horse Is Clever 有鬼来袭 / 66 Attacks by the Ghost 烟花雪茄 / 67 The Firework Cigar 击中要害的题词 / 69 Hitting Home 化装舞会 / 70 Masquerade 带锚的帽子 / 71 The Hat with an Anchor 喂天鹅 / 73 Feed the Swan 白套近乎 / 74 Cotton 吓唬兔子 / 75 Scare the Rabbit 蒙混过关 / 76 False Pretense 你上当了 / 77 You've Been Cheated 惩治歹徒 / 79 Fight with the Robber 这下不像了 / 80 Totally Not the Same 智斗偷吃豌豆的鸟 / 81 Against the Pea-eating Bird 蘑菇 / 83 Mushroom 帮倒忙的狗 / 85 The Helpless Dog 美人鱼 / 86 Mermaid 管教太晚了 / 87 Too Late to Discipline 驯马良策 / 88 Good Idea for Training the Horse 假期第一天 / 89 First Day of Holiday 失败者 / 90 放生 / 91 我要歌德的书 / 92 I Want the Book Written by Goethe 医生禁止喝浓咖啡 / 93 The Doctor's Prohibition against Drinking Strong Coffee 推铅球 / 94 Shot Put 意外的冠军 / 95 Champion by Surprise 马蜂 / 96 Wasp 装病 / 97 Malinger 禁止垂钓 / 98 Fishing Prohibited 儿子的礼物 / 99 Present from the Son 装镜子 / 101 Fix the Mirror 忍无可忍 / 102 Unbearable 图钉 / 103 The Thumbtack 吃力不讨好 / 105 Thankless 乔装父亲 / 106 Disguise as the Father 一本吸引人的书 / 107 An Attracting Book 大力士 / 108 Hercules 木偶戏 / 109 兔子导演 / 110 Rabbit Director 家教 / 111 Family Education 祖孙四代 / 113 …… 尾声 End |
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