Part One The Writing Process
Chapter I Introduction
1. Introduction to Writing in English
2. Decisions in the Writing Process
A. How writing is used
B. How writing is shaped
C. How an essay is composed
Chapter II The Process of Writing--Planning,Drafting,Revising
1. Planning the Essay
A. Deciding on your topic
B. Deciding on your purpose
C. Deciding on your thesis
D. Deciding on your audience
E. Discovering useful material
F. Deciding on your tone
G. Exercises
2. Drafting the Essay
A. Drafting the title and introduction
B. Drafting the body section
C. Drafting the conclusion
D. Exercises
3. Revising the Essay
A. The meaning of revision
B. Revision checklist
Part Two Essay Writing
Chapter Ill Essays for Various Goals
1. Three Major Goals of Writing
2. Major Development Strategies
Chapter IV Developing a Description
1. Understanding a description
A. Description as a support strategy
B. Description as a primary strategy
2. Types of Description
A. Objective description
B. Subjective description
3. Guidelines for Description
4. Exercises
Chapter V Developing a Narration
1. Understanding a Narration
2. Types of Narration
A. Narration that merely reports
B. Narration that makes a point
3. Guidelines for Narration
4. Exercises
Chapter VI Developing an Explanation/Exposition
1. Explaining through Illustration
A. Understanding illustration
B. Guidelines for illustration
C. Exercises
2. Explaining through Division and Classification
A. Understanding division
B. Guidelines for division
C. Understanding classification
D. Guidelines for classification
E. Exercises
3. Explaining through Process Analysis
A. Understanding a process analysis
B. Types of process analysis
C. Exercises
4. Explaining through Cause and Effect Analysis ...
A. Understanding cause and effect
B. Reasoning from effect to cause
C. Guidelines for effect to cause analysis
D. Reasoning from cause to effect
E. Guidelines for cause to effect analysis
F. Exercises
5. Explaining through Comparison/Contrast
A. Understanding comparison
B. Understanding contrast
C. Understanding combined comparison/contrast
D. Guidelines for comparison/contrast
E. A special kind of comparison: analogy
F. Exercises
6. Explaining through Definition
A. Understanding definitions
B. Using denotative definitions
C. Choosing the level of detail
D. Using expanded definitions
E. Using connotative definitions
F. Exercises
Chapter VII Developing a Persuasive Argument
1. Having a Debatable Point
2. Supporting Your Claim
A. Offering convincing reason
B. Choosing reliable sources
C. Distinguishing hard from soft evidence
D. Avoiding specious conclusions
3. Appealing to Reason
A. Using induction
B. Using deduction
4. Appealing to Emotion
A. Showing empathy
13. Acknowledging opposing views
C. Maintaining a moderate tone
5. Shaping to Reveal Your Line of Thought
A. Introduction
B. Body
C. Conclusion
6. Guidelines for Persuasive Argument
7. Exercises
Part Three The Process of Research Writing
Chapter VIII Understanding What a Research Paper Involves
1. Selecting and Focusing Topic
2. Guidelines for Selecting a Topic for a Research Paper
Chapter IX Preparing to Conduct a Research
1. Knowing How to Evaluate Sources
2. Starting to Compile a List of Headings or Key Words
3. Determining Your Documentation Style
4. Being Ready to Use All the Resources of the Library
A. Using reference books
B. Using periodicals
C. Preparing bibliography cards
D. Taking useful notes
Chapter X Conducting a Literature Review
1. Understanding a Literature Review
2. Planning the Review
A. Finding a focus
B. Narrowing your topic
C. Considering whether your sources are current
D. Constructing a working thesis statement
E. Considering organization
3. Drafting Your Literature Review
4. Revising
Chapter XI Writing Your Research Paper
1. Drafting a Thesis Statement
2. Outlining a Research Paper
3. Drafting and Revising Your Research Paper
A. Annotating a research paper
B. Revision checklist for a research paper
4. Documentation
A. What to document
B. Systems of reference
C. Exercises
5. Writing an Abstract
A. Understanding an abstract
B. Types of abstract
C. Purpose of writing an abstract
D. Writing an abstract
E. Revising
Chapter XII Case Study: Analyzing Amy Brown's Research Paper
Part Four Punctuatien
1. The Comma(,)
2. The Period(.)
3. The Semicolon(;)
4. The Colon(:)
5. The Question Mark(?)
6. The Exclamation Mark(!)
7. Quotation Marks(\\)
8. Parentheses(())
9. Brackests([])
10. The Dash(—)
11. The Slash(/)