Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson had been sharpening their detective skills deducing the characteristics of the man whose walking stick is in their possession, when the owner arrives greatly in need of their help.
Dr James Mortimer tells them that he has discovered the body of Sir Charles Baskerville in the grounds of his Devon home.Baskerville’s face bore an expression of terror and his body showed signs of exhaustion, as if he had been fleeing something - or someone. Mortimer was aware of only one clue as to how Baskerville met his death: ’the footprints of a gigantic hound’.
Dr Watson is dispatched by Holmes to the desolate moorland of Devon. He learns about the ancient myth of the Baskerville hound, and as he uncovers the malevolent fury that lay behind Baskerville’s death, he comes perilously close to meeting his own ...
An intriguing case for Holmes and Watson, The Hound of the Baskervilles is also one of Conan Dovle’s most gripping and disturbing novels.
Mr Sherlock Holmes 7
The Curse of the Baskervilles 14
The Problem 25
Sir Henry Baskerville 34
Three Broken Threads 46
Baskervillc Hall 57
The Stapletons of Merripit House 67
First Report of Dr Watson 81
The Light upon the Moor 88
Extract from the Diary of Dr Watson 105
The Man on the Tot 115
Death on the Moor 128
Fixing the Nets 142
The Hound of the Baskervilles 152
A Retroepection 164