Sir Willoughby Patterne, rich, fashionable and The Egoist. He pursues three women, each more discerning than he, with little thought for anything but the fulfilment of his own desires and the gratification of his own vanity that will come from a prestigious marriage. Clara Middleton is one of the three, but she wil not be dominated by a man and is determined to assert her own value and values.
Meredith’s aim was to create a comedy, and there is indeed much to laugh at in this superbly comic tale.Yet with an impressive variety of skills, he satirizes many of the assumptions that prevailed in his time and raises issues of profound and enduring relevance.
Published in 1879, The Egoist was George Meredith’s ninth novel.Much acclaimed by contemporary authors, it is still acknowledged today as one of his finest achievements. Meredith’s searching analysis of self-deception in The Egoist, coupled with a rare understanding of both the psychological and the physical aspects of human feeling, are well ahead of his time and ensure that the novel will not be forgotten.
Prelude: A Chapter of which the Last Page Only is of Importance
A Minor Incident Showing an Hereditary Aptitude in the Use of the Knife
The Young Sir Willoughby
Constantia Durham
L,etitia Dale
Clara Middleton
His Courtship
The Betrothed
A Run with the Truant: A Walk with the Master
Clara and L, etitia Meet: They are Compared
In which Sir Willoughby Chances to Supply theTitle for Himself
The Double-blossom Wild Cherry-tree
Miss Middleton and Mr Vernon Wbitford
The First Effort after Freedom
Sir Willoughby and Letitia
The Petition for a Release
Clara and L,etitia
The Porcelain Vase
Colonel De Craye
Colonel De Craye and Clara Middleton
An Aged and Great Wine
Clara’s Meditations
The Ride
Treats of the Union of Temper and Policy
Contains an Inrtance of the Generosity of Willougbby
The Flight in Wild Weather
Vernon in Pursuit
At the Railway Station
The Return
In which the Sensitiveness of Sir Willoughby is Explained: and He Receives Much Inrtrnction
Treating of the Dinner-party at Mrs Mountstuart Jenkinson ’ s
Sir Willoughby Attempts and Acbieves Pathos
Letitia Dale Discovers a Spiritual Change and Dr Middleton a Physical
In which the Comic Muse has an Eye on Two Good Souls
Mrs Mountstuart and Sir Willoughby
Miss Middleton and Mrs Mountstuart
Animated Conversation at a Luncheon-table
Contains Clever Fencing and Intimations of the Need For it
In which We Take a Step to the Centre of Egoism
In the Heart of the Egoist
Midnight: Sir Willoughby and Letitia:with Young Crossjay under a Coverlet
The Revd Dr Middleton, Clara and Sir Willoughby
Shows the Divining Arts of a Perceptive Mind
In which Sir Willoughby is Led To Think that the Elements Have Compired Against Him
Dr Middleton: the Ladies Eleanor and Isabel:and Mr Dale
The Patterne Ladies: Mr Dale: Lady Busshe and Lady Culmer: with Mrs Mountstuart Jenkinson
The Scene of Sir Willougbby ’s Generalship
Sir Willoughby and His Friend Horace De Craye
The Lovers
L, etitia and Sir Willoughby
Upon which the Curtain Falls