evil ['i:.vəl] adjective IMPROVER ■morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant 道德败坏的;邪恶的,恶毒的;讨厌的•an evil dictator邪恶的独裁者 •These people are just evil.这些人太恶毒了。 ■If the weather or a smell is evil, it is very unpleasant. 天气或气味讨厌的;令人不舒服的;令人作呕的 ['i:.vəl] adjective the evil eye ■a magical power to injure or harm people by looking at them (能伤人的)恶毒眼光 ['i:.vəl] noun countable or uncountable IMPROVER ■something that is very bad and harmful 邪恶(之事);罪恶(行为);祸害;灾祸•Each new leader would blame his predecessor for all the evils of the past.每个新上任的领导人都会把过去所有弊病全部归咎于前任。 •Drug-addiction is one of today's great social evils.吸毒成瘾是现今社会的一大罪恶。 •For the sake of long-term peace, the military option is the lesser evil/the lesser of two evils (= the less unpleasant of two bad choices).为了长期的和平,采取军事行动是两害相权取其轻的选择。 •the battle between good and evil善与恶的较量 |