Phileas Fogg was one of those mathematically exact people, who, never hurried and always ready, are economical of their steps and their motions. He never made one stride too many, always going by the shortest route. He did not give an idle look. He did not allow himself a superfluous gesture.
When Phileas Fogg wagers a bet that he can travel across the globe in just 80 days, little does he know about the epic journey that he is about to undertake. With his faithful French servant, Passepartout, Phileas Fogg embarks on the adventure of a lifetime, travelling across four continents by whatever means he can - train, elephant, steam ship - and experiencing endless surprises and mishaps along the way.
Chapter 1 In which Phileas Fogg and
Passepartout accept each other-the
one as Master, the other as Servant
Chapter 2 In which Passepartout is Convinced
that he has Found his ideal
Chapter 3 In which a conversation takes place
which may cost Phileas Fogg dearly
Chapter 4 In which Phileas Fogg surprises
Passepartout, his Servant, beyond measure
Chapter 5 In which a new Security appears on
the London Exchange
Chapter 6 In which the Agent, Fix, shows a very proper impatience
Chapter 7 Which shows once more the uselessness of Passports in Police Matters
Chapter 8 In which Passepartout perhaps talks a little more than is proper
Chapter 9 In which the Red Sea and the Indian
Ocean show themselves Propitious to
Phileas Fogg's designs
Chapter 10 In which Passepartout is only too happy
to get off with the loss of his shoes
Chapter 11 In which Phileas Fogg buys a
Conveyance at a Fabulous Price
Chapter 12 In which Phileas Fogg and his
Companions venture through the
Forests of India, and what follows
Chapter 13 In which Passepartout proves again
that Fortune smiles upon the Bold
Chapter 14 In which Phileas Fogg descends
the entire splendid Valley of
the Ganges without ever
thinking of looking at it
Chapter 15 In which the Bag with the Bank-notes
is relieved of a few Thousand
Pounds more
Chapter 16 In which Fix has not the Appearance
of knowing anything about
the Matters concerning which
They talk to Him
Chapter 17 In which one thing and another is
talked about during the Trip from
Singapore to Hong-Kong
Chapter 18 In which Phileas Fogg, Passepartout,
and Fix each goes about His own
Chapter 19 In which Passepartout takes a little
too lively interest in his Master, and
what follows
Chapter 20 In which Fix comes in direct contact with Phileas Fogg
Chapter 21 In which the Master of the
"Tankadere" runs great risk of losing a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds
Chapter 22 In which Passepartout sees very well
that, even at the Antipodes, it is
Prudent to have some Money in One's pocket
Chapter 23 In which Passepartout's nose is
lengthened enormously
Chapter 24 During which is Accomplished the
Voyage across the Pacific Ocean
Chapter 25 In which a slight glimpse of San
Francisco is had-a
Political Meeting
Chapter 26 In which our Party takes the Express
Train on the Pacific Railroad
Chapter 27 In which Passepartout follows, with a
Speed of Twenty Miles an Hour, a
Course of Mormon History
Chapter 28 In which Passepartout could not
Succeed in making anyone listen
to Reason
Chapter 29 In which certain Incidents are
Related, only to be met with on the
Railroads of the United States
Chapter 30 In which Phileas Fogg simply does
his duty
Chapter 31 In which the Detective Fix takes
seriously in charge Phileas Fogg's
Chapter 32 In which Phileas Fogg engages in a
Direct Struggle with Ill Luck
Chapter 33 In which Phileas Fogg shows Himself
equal to Circumstances
Chapter 34 Which gives Passepartout the
opportunity of letting out some
atrocious, but perhaps Unpublished,
Chapter 35 In which Passepartout does not have
repeated to Him twice the Order
His Master gives Him
Chapter 36 In which "Phileas Fogg" is again
at a Premium in the Market
Chapter 37 In which it is Proved that Phileas
Fogg has gained nothing by making
this Tour of the World, unless it be Happiness