Chapter One
Experiencing Realism or Modernism in Practicing Arts?
Authenticity,Truth,and Art in Frozen(1994)
Chapter Two
Super—Realism or Sur—Realism in Portraying a(Post)modern Desire:Rain Clouds over Wushan's(1996)Rendition of the Subaltern
Chapter Three
Phantasmagoric Realism in an“Art Film”:Portraying Chinese“Middle Class”in Lunar Eclipse(1999)
Chapter Four
Onirogenic Realism in Narrating Love Stories:Suzhou River(2000)as a Historical Allegory
Chapter Five
Melodramatic Realism in a“Teen’s Movie”:Articulating the Logic of Market Society in Beijing Bicycle(2001)
Chapter Six
Revolutionary Realism or Socialist Realism?
Chinese Goodman in Jia Zhangke’S Still Life(2006)
Chapter Seven
Retrospective Realism in Memorizing the Chinese Working Class:On the Narrative Strategy of The Road(2006)
Chapter Eight
Critical Realism with the Taint of Religion:Salvation and Hope in Luxury Car(2006)
Chapter Nine
Psychological Realism in the Memory of a Workwoman:How do Chinese Workers Spend their Lives in Weaving Girl(2008)
Chapter Ten
Hallucinatory Realism in the Eyes ofArtists:The Falsity of Choices in And the Spring Comes(2008)
On the Merits and Faults of Practicing Realism in Contemporary Chinese Cinema