Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Physics Labs(第1章物理实验之基本知识)
Lesson 1-1 Forwards about Labs(第1课实验前言)
Lesson 1-2 Measurement and Uncertainties(第2课 测量与不确定度)
Lesson 1-3 Discussion of Uncertainties(第3课不确定度讨论)
Lesson 1-4 Calculations of Uncertainties(第4课 不确定度计算)
Lesson 1-5 Linearizing Equations(第5课方程线性化)
Lesson 1-6 Lab Graphs and Graphical Analyses
Chapter 2 Labs for Mechanics and Vibrations(第2章 力学和振动实验)
Lab 2-1 Falling and Rolling of Spheres and Cylinders
Lab 2-2 Simple Pendulum and Physical Pendulum
Lab 2-3 Young’S Modulus(实验2-3杨氏模量)
Lab 2-4 Traveling Waves and Standing Waves on a String
Chapter 3 Labs for Electricity( 3章电学实验)
Lab 3-1 Measuring the Conductivity of a Dielectric by a DC Bridge
Lab 3-2 Hall Effect(实验3-2霍尔效应)
Lab 3-3 Measuring Speed of Sound in Air by Using Lissaj ous Pattern(
(实验3-3 用示波器上李萨如图形测量空气中的声速)
Lab 3-4 Determining Planck’S Constant by LED’S
Lab 3-5 IX;Circuit Analysis Using Excel
Chapter 4 Labs for Optics(第4章光学实验)
Lab 4-1 Reflection and Refraction of a Parallel Light Beam on a Spherical
Boundary(实验4-1 平行光束在球形界面上的反射和折射)
Lab 4-2 Measuring the Index of Refraction of Prism by Spectrometer
Lab 4-3 Light Interference(实验4-3光的干涉)
Lab 4-4 Photoelectric Effect(实验4-4光电效应)
Lab 4-5 Basics of a Laser Beam(实验4-5激光束的基本特性)