《古希腊罗马神话》由杨俊峰、黄洁芳、常俊跃主编,本教材设计了新颖的活动板块,每一单元的主体内容均包括Before You Read、Start to Read、After You Read、Read More四大板块,突出了以学生为中心的思想,而且也方便教师借助教材开展生动有趣的教学活动。在Before You Read部分,学生通过自测了解自己的不足,激发学习热情;在Start to Read部分获得主要知识内容,拓展知识面;在After You Read部分通过练习检测对单元内容的掌握情况;Read More提供的两或三篇辅助阅读材料是对单元内容的延伸。这种设计理念,从学生的要求和实际情况出发,培养他们的自主学习能力。
Unit 1 Why Mythology?
Text A Why Mythology
Text B What Is a Myth?
Text C Myths and Mythology
Unit 2 The Olympian Gods (I)
Text A The Olympian Gods (I)
Text B Zeus' Consorts and Some of Their Tribulations
Text C Athena
Unit 3 The Olympian Gods (II)
Text A The Olympian Gods (II)
Text B Artemis and Actaeon
Text C Venus and Adonis
Unit 4 The Gods of the Underworld
Text A The Gods of the Underworld
Text B Persephone
Text C Cerberus: Three Headed Dog in Greek Mythology
Unit 5 Other Gods
Text A Other Gods
Text B The Wood-Folk
Text C The Judgement of Midas
Unit 6 Myths of Origin
Text A Myths of Origin
Text B The Vampire Origin Story
Text C The Mythology Chiron--the Wounded Healer
Unit 7 Gods and Mortals
Text A Gods and Mortals
Text B Atalanta and the Golden Apples
Text C Orpheus and Eurydice
Unit 8 The Age of Heroes (I)
Text A The Age of Heroes (I)
Text B Hercules: An Ageless Icon
Text C Perseus and Medusa
Unit 9 The Age of Heroes (II)
Text A The Age of Heroes (II)
Text B Jason and the Argonauts
Text C Oedipus Complex
Unit 10 The Trojan War
Text A The Trojan War
Text B Troy
Text C Helen of Troy
Unit 11 After the Trojan War
Text A After the Trojan War
Text B Odysseus
Text C Rome
Unit 12 Apollo and Daphne
Text A Apollo and Daphne
Text B Apollo
Text C Apollo and Delphi
Unit 13 Echo and Narcissus
Text A Echo and Narcissus
Text B Echo and Narcissus' Story in Metamorphoses
Text C Understanding Narcissism
Unit 14 Pygmalion
Text A Pygmalion
Text B Bernard Shaw' s Pygmalion
Text C The City of Paphos
Unit 15 Eros/Cupid and Psyche
Text A Eros/Cupid and Psyche
Text B Voluptas and The Kharites
Text C Beauty and Beast
Key to Exercises