不可说?Speaking the Unspeakable
含金量 Golden Diploma?Golden Diploma
厨房帮工——从电脑到菜刀?Kitchen Hand
与鱼共舞?Dance with Fish Bones
卖花男?Flower Boy
劳动人民?Blue Collar, I Salute YOU!
农场之行 Trip to a Farm?Trip to a Farm
面包大师?Banana Master
海外学习?Studying Abroad
国外车经?Be a Car Owner
莲花初开见佛时?Transcendental Meditation at the Buddha Haloed with a Lotus
留学生和英联邦特色运动?Get Yourself Acquainted with Foreign Sports
中国香烟?Chinese Cigarette, Very Strong
赌海浮沉?We Say No to Gambling!
红灯区见闻?Red-Light District
简单澳洲?It Is That Simple.