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书名 | 国际商法(第3版双语版21世纪法学规划教材)/双语系列 |
分类 | 人文社科-法律-外国及港澳台法律 |
作者 | 姜作利 |
出版社 | 法律出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 由姜作利编著的《国际商法(第3版双语版21世纪法学规划教材)/双语系列》是关于国际商法的全英语教材,采取与国际接轨的风格,通过最流行、最标准的英语讲述国际商法,同时,运用大量案例和图表,将复杂的内容直观化,有利物读者在最短时间内了解国际商法的概貌。 内容推荐 《国际商法(第3版双语版21世纪法学规划教材)/双语系列》编著者姜作利。 《国际商法(第3版双语版21世纪法学规划教材)/双语系列》完全体现中国读者需要、适合中国学生阅读的双语版国际商法教材,被列为教育部“国家双语教学示范课程”教材。 全书讲述国际商事交往中的诸多法律制度,包括国际货物买卖合同法、海上货物运输及保险法、国际贸易支付法、合伙法、公司法、外商投资法、知识产权法、WT0法、代理法、国际商事争端解决等。注重概念和制度的讲解,注重结合中国法律的相关规定。运用大量案例,每章后附有难点注释和法律英语同义词辨析,增加可读性和实用性。 本教材可“一书二用”,既适合读者学习国际商法,也适合读者学习法律英语。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction to International Business Law I. What Is Internationa] Business Law? II. History of International Business Law III. Sources of International Business Law IV. International Organizations V. Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems VI. International Business Law and China Chapter 2 Forms of International Business I. Some International Trade Theories II. Exporting III. Government Controls over Trade IV. International Licensing Agreement Chapter 3 Legal System of International Business I. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) II. UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts(PICC) III. International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (Incoterms2000 ) Chapter 4 Contract Law for the International Sale of Goods I. Definition and Form of Contract II. Validity and Formation of International Sale of Contracts III. Misrepresentation IV. Mistakes V. Fraud VI. Duress VII. Undue Influence and Unconscionable (unjust) Conduct Chapter 5 Contract Law for the International Sale of Goods (Continued) I. Remedies for Breach of Contract II. Anticipatory Breach of Contract and Exceptio non Adimpleti Contractus in Civil Law III. Liquidated Damages IV. Obligations of the Seller and the Buyer V. Passing of Risk VI. Passing of Property VII. Excuses for Non-performance Chapter 6 Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine Cargo Insurance I. Charterparties II. Bills of Lading III. Marine Cargo Insurance Chapter 7 Finance of International Trade I. The Bill of Exchange II. Collection of Documentary Bills through Banks III. Letters of Credit (L/C) IV. UCP600 V. International Factoring Chapter 8 Partnership Law I. Definition and Creation Of a Partnership II. Property of a Partnership III. Partners' Rights and Duties IV. Dissolution of the Partnership V. Winding Up Chapter 9 The Law of Corporations I. History and Nature of Corporations II. Sources of Corporate Financing III. Shareholders' Rights and Liabilities IV. Management of Corporations V. Termination of Corporation Chapter 10 Law of Foreign Investment Enterprises of China I. China's Fundamental Policies for Encouraging Foreign Investment II. Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese Foreign Equity Joint Ventures III. Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures IV. Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Capital Enterprises Chapter 11 Intellectual Property Right Law I. The Creation of Intellectual Property Rights II. International Provisions III. International Licensing Agreement Chapter 12 GATT and WTO Law I. The Founding of GATT II. Major Principles of GATT 1994 III. The World Trade Organization (WTO) IV. WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures V. WTO and the Developing Countries Chapter 13 The Law of Agency I. Creation of Agency II. Duties of Agent and Principal III. Termination of an Agency IV. Third Party Relations of the Principal and the Agent Chapter 14 International Commercial Dispute Settlement I. Settlement of Disputes through Municipal Courts II. International Tribunals III. Alternative Dispute Resolution IV. Commercial Arbitration Bibliography |
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