本书是“微软技术系列”之一,全书共分11个章节,主要对SQL Server处理查询、管理数据作了详细阐述,具体内容包括SQL Server架构和配置、跟踪/扩展事件、日志和恢复、查询优化等。该书可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。
本书是讲述SQL Server关系数据库引擎内部机理和架构的权威指南。书中详细阐述了SQL Server处理查询、管理数据的相关内容,包括SQL Server架构和配置、跟踪/扩展事件、日志和恢复、索引、表格、查询优化、事务/并发以及DBCC。
1 SQL Server 2008 Architecture and Configuration
SQL Server Editions
SQL Server Metadata
Compatibility Views
Catalog Views
Other Metadata
Components of the SQL Server Engine
Observing Engine Behavior
The Relational Engine
The Storage Engine
NUMA Architecture
The Scheduler
SQL Server Workers
Binding Schedulers to CPUs
The Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC)
The Buffer Pool and the Data Cache
Access to In-Memory Data Pages
Managing Pages in the Data Cache
The Free Buffer List and the Lazywriter
Managing Memory in Other Caches
Sizing Memory
Sizing the Buffer Pool
SQL Server Resource Governor
Resource Governor Overview
Resource Governor Controls
Resource Governor Metadata
SQL Server 2008 Configuration
Using SQL Server Configuration Manager
2 Change Tracking, Tracing, and Extended Events
3 Databases and Database Files
4 Logging and Recovery
5 Tables
6 Indexes: Internals and Management
7 Special Storage
8 The Query Optimizer
9 Plan Caching and Recompilation
10 Transactions and Concurrency
11 DBCC Internals