Birds have been a source of fascination and mystery for humans throughout the world, and throughout time.
The Encyclopedia of Birds reveals in striking detail the rich variety of bird life,from the exotic to the common that we can see everyday in our locality; birds whose songs and silhouettes in flight we often take for granted. But you will also find,photographed close-up with stunning clarity, occasional visitors to these shores,together with images of birds from all over the world.
Splendidly illustrated, featuring more than 400 species in a highly informative text,The Encyclopedia of Birds offers a window on the world of the extraordinary diversity of birds on our planet.
Birds have been a source of fascination for humans throughout the world, and throughout time. Despite this enduring allure there is still much to learn about birds, their life cycles and interaction with their habitats and, most intriguingly, particularly in birds that migrate seasonally, how they navigate. Nevertheless,some mysteries have been clarified. We know a great deal about bird anatomy, how flight is achieved and the way in which birds have developed from their shared ancestry with the reptiles. We have also devised ways of grouping species, recognizing similarities between what can seem quite unrelated birds.
Featuring more than 400 species, The Encyclopedia of Birds offers a window on the world of the extraordinary diversity of birds on our planet. The splendidly detailed photographs reveal in striking detail the rich variety of bird life, from the beautifully marked, tiny Striated Pardalote of the Eucalyptus forests of Australia to the gigantic, night-feeding Wandering Albatross of the southern oceans. In between these two extremes are the common birds that,if we take a moment to look, we can see everyday in our locality; birds whose songs and silhouettes in flight we often take for granted.But you will also find, photographed close-up with stunning clarity, occasional visitors to these shores, together with images of birds from all over the world.
A highly informative text educates by providing details of each individual bird's size,habitat and habits, as well as explaining breeding and nesting patterns. There is also information about the threats to individual species and explanations of the success stories where our intervention has sought to reverse the depredations caused by human activity. In a world in which many individual bird species are endangered, or threatened with extinction, education is the starting point in a process to ensure we keep the rich and abundant variety of bird life throughout the world.
Ostrich and allies
Greater Rhea
Double-wattled Cassowary
Undulated Tinamou
Brown Kiwi
Elegant Tinamou
Diver and Grebes
Common Loon/
Great Northern Diver
Little Grebe
Great Crested Grebe
Albatross, Petrels, and allies
Pelicans and allies
Herons, Bitterns, Storks and allies
Swans, Geese and Ducks
Birds of prey: Eagles, Vultures, Hawks
and allies
Cranes and allies
Waders, Gulls, Auks and allies
Sandgrouse, Pigeons and Doves
Parrots and allies
Cuckoos and allies
Nightjars and allies
Swifts and Hummingbirds
Mousebird and Trogons
Kingfishers, Bee-eaters,Hornbills and allies
Woodpeckers, Barbets, Toucans and allies
Index of Common Names
Index of Scientific Names
Picutre Credits