One cold November night when Kate White was fifteen years old. her friends held up a store. One of them killed an oil.duty cop. They got away with it.
Thirteen years tater, Kate has buitt a new tile for herself and her son as a prosecutor in the Phitadetphia district attorney's office - until the nightmare morning when her courtroom exptodes in viotence...
One cold November night when Kate White was fifteen years old. her friends held up a store. One of them killed an oil.duty cop. They got away with it.
Thirteen years tater, Kate has buitt a new tile for herself and her son as a prosecutor in the Phitadetphia district attorney's office - until the nightmare morning when her courtroom exptodes in viotence.
The boy who shot that cop so many years ago first tries to btackmait Kate then is found dead in Kate's house, with Kate the prime suspect. Homicide detective Tom Braga just makes things worse: she and Tom have dashed since their first meeting. He knows she is tying about - something. And he is determined to find out what.
But then someone etse who knows about her secret past turns up the heat. Kate's rife - and herson's - are in danger. The onty person She can turn to is Tom Braga.