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书名 | 杂技史话(中英文双语版)/中华文明史话 |
分类 | 文学艺术-艺术-戏剧影视 |
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出版社 | 中国大百科全书出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 中国杂技艺术是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,是中国劳动人民智慧的结晶。杂技发展史是历史的纵剖面,它展示了历史发展的兴衰变化,见证了历史的沧桑岁月。 本书从杂技的萌芽——先秦杂技谈起,再论秦汉时,杂技已逐渐形成并发展,再到兼收并蓄的百戏技艺——三国两晋南北朝时期杂技,到了隋唐时代,宫廷杂技迎来了盛世,而宋代杂技则繁荣了都市杂技,最后谈到到明清时,已见证江湖把戏的兴衰。 目录 引言 一、杂技的萌芽——先秦杂技 1. 角力举鼎共争鸣 2. 马戏和动物戏 3. 弄丸跳剑齐飞舞 4. “跟斗”翻飞 5. 其他杂技技艺 二、百戏的形成与发展——秦汉杂技 1. 力技节目的新发展 2. 各种各样的形体技巧 3. 惊险的高空节目 4. 多样化的耍弄技术 5. 盛行一时的马戏和动物戏 6. 其他杂技成果 三、兼收并蓄的百戏技艺——三国两晋南北朝时期杂技 1. 马戏、动物戏的发展概况 2. 西域风格浓厚的幻术技艺 四、宫廷杂技的盛世——隋唐杂技 1. 形体技巧的长足发展 2. 花样繁多的高空技艺 3. 承古创新的隋唐幻术 4. 兴盛发达的马戏、动物戏 5. 绘声绘色的乔妆动物戏 6. 杂耍之“杂” 五、都市杂技的繁容——宋代杂技 1. 异常兴盛的耍弄技能 2. 流光溢彩的宋代幻术 3. 马戏、动物戏的新高峰 4. 注重融合的形体技艺 5. 十分活跃的力技节目 六、江湖把戏的兴衰一明清杂技 1. 层出不穷的形体技艺 2. 名副其实的力技 3. 走入国门的西方技艺 结束语 Introduction Ⅰ. The Budding of Acrobatics:Acrobatics in the Pre-Qin Dynasty 1. Wrestling and Lifting 2. Circus Acts and Animal Plays 3. Juggling Balls and Swords 4. Somersault 5. Other Varieties of Acrobatics Ⅱ. The Emergence and Development of Variety Shows:Acrobatics in the Qin and Han Dynastiest 1. Further Development of Strength Acrobatics 2. VanousPhysiqueTechniques 3. Thrilling Aerial Acrobatics 4. Diversified Juggling Acrobatics 5. Fleeting Glory of Circus Acts and Animal Plays 6. AccomplishmentofOtherVarietiesofAcrobatics Ⅲ. The All-Inclusive Variety Shows:Acrobatics in the Three Kingdoms Period,Two Jins and Southern & Northern Dynasties 1. Development of Circus Acts and Animal Plays 2. Magic Tricks Brimming with Unique Flavors from the Westem Regions Ⅳ. Witness the Thriving Imperial Acrobatics:Acrobatics in the Sui and Tang Dynasties 1. Great Stndes Made in Physique Techniques 2. Myriads of Aerial Acmbatics 3. Magic Art Blending Tradition and Innovation in the Sui and Tang Dynasties 4. Thriving Circus Actsand Animal Plays 5. Mynads of Animal MasqueBde Plays 6. Juggling Art Ⅴ. Thriving Urban Acrobatics:Acrobatics in the Song Dynasty 1. Flourishing Juggling Skills 2. Captivating Magic Tricks in the Song Dynasty 3. Cimus Acts and Animal Plays ARained a New Height 4. Eclectic Physique Techniques 5. Thriving Strength Acrobatics Ⅵ. Rise and Decline of Acrobatics:Acrobatics in the Ming and Qing Dynasties 1. Myriads of Physique Techniques 2. Strength Acrobatics in the True Sense 3. Acrobatics Introduced from the Westem Countries In Closing 附录 Appendix |
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