In a tough spot?Worried that no one understands?Concerned nobody can help? Whether you've had a minor misunderstanding with Uom or a bigtime battle with a bud, The Girls" Life Awesome Advice Guide to Everything has the answers and advice you want! Girls" Life magazine and their own "Dear Carol"
Weston have received so many great questions over the years that they absolutely had to gather them all up and create one must-read, must-have advice book! Packed with pages of honest answers and helpful hints, The Girls" Life Awesome Advice Guide to Everything provides you with advice on all the toughest topics-friends, family, dilemmas,siblings, boys, your body, yourself, school, and so much more!
Dear Reader
Chapter 1: All About You
Making the grade
Hey,what about me?
Popularity problems
Argh!When pepople drive you crazy
How to be your best
You!New and improved
Knowing what to do about bad or scary feelings
Tough stuff
The big life questions
Chapter 2: Your Body, Yourself
I's so tired.
The tall and short of it
When the fur flies...
Learning to Iove your body
Chapter 3: Friendship Ups and Downs
Making friends
Bud boredom busters
Sticky friend situations
Argh!She's driving me crazy
Bigger friendship problems
Feeiing left out
But I don't want to be friends!
Tough friend stuff
Time to say good-bye?
Chapter 4: Boys, Boys, Boys
Boys, who needs "em?
"Cause I don't like him !
Oh, boy!
The kiss question
Breaking up
Chapter 5: Growing Up Is Hard to Do
Chapter 6: Family Matters
Hey remember me? Staying tight with sibs
Hello To Getting your parents to pay attention to you
They just don't understand/
Bsttles with parents
My family is different
Surviving divorce
Parent dating dilemmas
Tough family stuff
Who Is Dear Carol?