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书名 | 治企业莫让企业治你/商战英语阅读丛书 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | (美)琳达·雷·弗兰西斯 |
出版社 | 科学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 商场就是战场,在如此激烈的竞争下,初创业者、小企业管理者又或者是自由职业者,应该如何才能存活下来? 这是一本优秀的实战指导书,一本日常商业领域的常备参考书,就如同在你身边的顾问一样,帮助你在商业活动中做决策。翻开它,就离你的成功终点又近了一步…… 内容推荐 作者采用幽默而辛辣的语言和大量事例,介绍了包括领导和管理、计划、销售、人事、财务等多方面的经营管理小知识。旨在使读者体会如何作为事业的主动者,而不是被动地被事业牵着走。本书旨在面向众多的初创业者、小企业管理者及自由职业者,在相对自由、系统性较弱的环境里,帮助读者更快地掌握管理的系统性思维。 目录 Introduction 写在前面 Chapter 1 You and Your Business 第一章 你和你的企业 Small Businesses are Growing 成长中的小生意 Do You Know the Difference Between an Owner and a Worker? 你是否知道雇主与雇员的区别? Your Job Description as an Owner 雇主该做的事 Your Leadership Role 领导者的角色 Make Sure the Business Meets Your Needs 确信企业能满足你的需要 Your“TO DO”List 现在就做 Capter 2 Do You Have the Time? 第二章 你有时间吗? What is Time? 时间是什么? Setting Your Goals 设定目标 Your Basic Time Management Principles 最基本的时间管理原则 “TO DO”List:Managing Your Time#1 现在就做:管理你的时间#1 Chapter 3 Time Management Techniques You Can Use 第三章 实用的时间管理技术 Your Brainand Your Perfect Week 大脑中的约会计划和你的完美一周 Yes,You Can Delegate! 开始分派任务 Is Procrastination Your Problem? 你是否有延迟耽搁的问题? Making Your Meetings Work 充分利用会议 Making Telephone,Fax,and E-mail Work for You 充分利用电话、传真与E-mail Paper Handling 纸上功夫 Interrupt Interruptions 排除干扰t Rearrange Your Office 整理办公室 Finally 最后一步 “TO DO”List:Managing Your Time#2 现在就做:管理你的时间舟 Chapter 4 Understanding and Using Your Financial Information 第四章 财务信息的理解与应用 Tree Confessions 真心坦白 Choosing an OutsideAccountant 选择外聘会计 Why Your Numbers are Important 数字的重要性 Your Balance Sheet 资产负债表 Ratios 比率 Your Profit and Loss Statement 你的盈亏账目报表 Understanding and Using the Gross Profit Margin to Manage Your Business 理解并使用毛利率来管理你的企业 Problems to Solve 需要解决的问题 Your Annual Budget 年度预算 Your“TO DO”List:for the Next Three Months 现在就做:三个月的任务 Chapter 5 Cash is King 第五章 现金为王 Sales do not Mean Money in Your Hand 销售额并不意味着你手中的现金 Cash Flow Projections 如何规划现金流 Aging Reports 账龄分析 Job/ProductCosting 工作,产品成本计算 InSummary 结论 Your“TO DO”List:Forevermore 现在就做:坚持下去 Chapter 6 Planning Your Future 第六章 规划未来 Why You Need to Plan 为什么要规划 Before You Start Your Planning There are a Few Things You Need to do 在开始规划之前,需要做几件事 Your Planning Process 规划的过程 A Real Life Example of Why You Should Plan 关于怎样计划的实例 “TO DO”list:Your Plan for Planning 现在就做:为计划而做计划 Chapter 7 Opening Your Books With Open Book Management 第七章 用财务资讯共享管理来公开你的账簿 An Overview:Is This for You? 概述:适合你吗? Resources Available to You 一些有用的资源 How You Get Started and How You do it 怎样开始?怎样进行 In Summary 结论 “TO DO”List:Open Book Management 现在就做:财务资讯共享管理 Chapter8Who do You Need? 第八章 你需要什么样的人? Your People Make it Work 发挥人的作用 Creating Your Organization Chart 制定组织图表 Creating Your Job Descriptions 工作描述 “TO DO”List:Gettingto the People You Need 现在就做:得到你需要的人 Chapter9 Finding the Right People 第九章 找到最优人选 Your Hiring Practices 用人习惯 Your Hiring Procedure 雇用程序 You Can do Great Interviews 你可以进行极棒的面试 “TO DO”List:What it Takes To Find Great Employees 现在就做:找到好员工的必要条件 Chapter 10 Keeping the Best of the Bunch 第十章 保持团队的最佳状态 Your New Emplovee Orientation 新员工的定位 How to Pay Your Emplovees 怎样付酬 Other Ways to Compensate Your Emplovees and Why 为什么也要有其他报酬 Doing Your Performance Reviews 回顾你的表现 Creating Your Own EValuation Tools 建立自己的评价工具 Conducting the Performance Review 行为评定的管理 How and When to Give Your Emplovees Raises 加薪的时间与方法 Training 培训 “TO DO”List:What it Takes to Keep Great Emplovees 现在就做:留住好员工的必要条件 Chapter 11 Keeping Your Company Legal 第十一章 维持公司的合法经营 Your Personnel Policies 人事政策 Your Personnel Files 人员档案 How to Discipline and Terminate an Emplovee 怎样惩戒和解雇员工 Your“TO DO”List:Staying Legal 现在就做:合法经营 Chapterl2 Now You Have to Sell it 第十二章 现在开始销售! Who?Me?I'm Not a Salesperson!! 谁?我?我不是推销员!! Moments of Truth 真实的时刻 What Makes a Star Salesperson? 怎样成为星级销售者? The Selling Process 营销的过程 Determining Need 明确需求 Building Valueand Creating Desire 构建价值和需求体系 Making the Sale 开展营销工作 Your Sales“To DO”List 现在就“销” Chapter 13 Taking the Leap 第十三章 达到顶峰 It's Your Attitude that Makesthe Difference!!! 态度造成差异!!! An Approach 一条捷径 One Last True Confession 最后的真诚告白 Time for You to Take the Leap 让你达到顶峰的时间 “TO DO”List:Taking the Leap! 现在就做:达到顶峰! Glossary 术语表 Bibliography 供进一步阅读的参考资料 About the Author 作者简介 试读章节 You AND YOUR BUSINESS 你和你的企业 每一天都太短了,以至于我不能思考所有的想法,不能走所有想走的路,不能读所有想读的书,也不能见到所有想见面的朋友。 ——约翰·巴勒斯 Small Businesses are Growing 成长中的小生意 John Jones worked for a major US corporation for 26 years.He retired with a reasonable pension,a gold watch,and a real nice wall plaque.His son.John Jr.had always intended to follow in his Dad.s footsteps,but John Jr.found it to be a whole new world out there. It used to be that you got a Job with a "parent"corporation and stayed with that company your whole working life.You worked for them.They took care of you.This was before the merger and acquisition frenzy of the eighties,the downsizing(or“rightsizing”)of the nineties.and the current economic Woes. James E.Challenger+an outplacement specialist from Chicago.found that one of big business' major problems was a shortage of employees with good work ethic and company loyalty. Challenger commented, "it may be unrealistic to expect workers to possess these qualities since the employer cannot promise the same in return." Since big business offers little job security,more and more people are starting their own business. Included in this phenomenon are the women who start their own business because they are tired of hitting the glass ceiling, and because.they want more time with their families. Of the millions of companies in the US, most have less than 20 employees, and one third of all businesses are owned by women. No wonder the small business arena is the fastest growing segment of the US economy. People start their own business because they want the freedom to be their own boss call their own shots, make their own mistakes, and control their own destiny. People love their professions and are convinced they can run a business just as well as anyone else. Or maybe it is just part of the American psyche to take advantage of our land of opportunity. So people take the leap. Do You Know the Difference Between an Owner and a Worker? Taking the leap from working in a business to managing and leading one is a much longer leap than most people imagine. They rent an office, hang out their shingle, hire an employee or two, and they are off and running. And running. And running. And running. Until one day they wake up exhausted, working for wages, and questioning their decision to start this #@*&!! business in the first place. Of the hundreds of thousands of small businesses that will start each year, close to half will not survive their first six years. Mostly, it is because the new owners don't know how to run a business. Education and training rarely accompany the decision to move from employee to owner. Yet the skills needed for running a business are very much different from those needed to produce a product or service. Indeed, some skills that are useful at one level can be lethal at the other.Let me give you some examples of what I mean. When you are an employee,it is advantageous to be one of the gang. As an owner or manager, you often need a more objective, bottom line approach. Some distance is needed. This is not to say that you are not supportive of your staff, but as your role changes, so does the nature 9f your relationships. You are no longer everyone's pal. You are the boss. You can be friendly, but not friends-- a tough leap to make. As a producer, attention to every detail is a strength. A short-term, get this job done focus is needed. To have this same perspective as an owner or manager can be deadly. You need to see the big picture from multiple perspectives and delegate the details. Trying to keep it all, do it all, see it all, know it all, can kill the business—and possibly the boss. You must lay aside the technical expertise that was of such great value when you were an employee. In its place you will practice working through, and with employees, training them to be the experts, the producers. You no longer get to bake the cake. Now it is your job to see that it gets baked by well-trained bakers. Your job satisfaction will come from what others produce and their successes. Your success will be less immediate. This can be very frustrating. You may want to drop into your old employee role. You can't. It's not your job anymore.P7-9 序言 对于疲倦的马来说,尾巴都是负担。——捷克谚语 5年来,Sue和Steve Baker一直很关心他们小镇的热力、降温和水暖问题。电们的黄页广告告诉消费者他们“在业界已经有50年之久的历史了”,因为Steve的父亲许多年前就开办了Baker and Sons公司。当这位老人退休之后,Steve和妻子接管了公司。起先,公司为Baker夫妇和六位员工提供了不错的E活条件,但是,不久之后经营这样的繁忙的服务公司成为全部的工作,并且没有收入。Sue和Steve开始怀疑他们是否获得成功或者仅仅是初步涉及。管里办事处占用了Sue所有的时间,而且因为Steve总是忙于争取服务业务,所以他几乎没有时间做一些评估工作。他们甚至不能考虑引进最新技术或者培训员工。而更糟糕的是,一些员工的报酬与Sue和Steve的一样,而且晚上员工不需要带任何工作回家! 终于,可怕的一天到来了,长期合同的员工集体辞职,以及诸如此类的事件。更坏的事情是,他们的侄子对他们说:“你们的经营太混乱了,为什么呢,我自己能干得更好。”而实际上他也辞职了。 Sue和steve被这一打击弄得目瞪口呆,Sue说:“他甚至从未抱怨过,他从未告诉我们哪些事情是错的。” Steve附和道:“他是我的侄子,他的忠诚感在哪里呢?此外,他是一名水管工人。他不知道如何经营一家服务公司。他会使我们都破产的!” Sue补充道:“虽然他对于士气的看法是对的,但是,每个人都会有情绪低落的时候。我认为开办公司将会是有趣的事情。哪里出了差错昵?为什么我们如此努力工作还是毫无结果?我们的状况应该比现在好啊。” Sue和Steve碰到的并非个案。数以千计的公司所有者和管理者都会工作很长时间,获得的利润很少或者持续亏损,忍受不可靠的员工,以及经受疲惫不堪。他们都十分擅长技术或者贸易、生产大宗产品和服务,但是,最终他们都放弃了,因为情况都变得太糟糕了。 幸运的是,Sue和Steve决定解决他们的问题。他们知道必须做一些不同的事情,而且他们下定决心一定要成功。他们决定了什么时机经营公司,同样也决定了什么时机不经营公司。 在我的研讨会和咨询业务中,我见过成百上千的像Sue和Steve这样的人。他们告诉我许多年前他们就希望从这本书中获得所需的信息。这本书是为他们而写的。我希望:在他们更多的夜晚无休无眠地担心员工是否安全可靠或者他们的企业有什么样的前景之前,能够与他们取得联系。 即像写作本书花费了大量的时间、精力和奉献,这项工作也不会停止。我一直记得Sue和Steve在登记注册我的一个研讨会时他们脸上所露出的痛苦和苦恼。我相信从我这里获得了一点点指导,再加上他们自身不懈地努力,他们会扭转经营状况,并且快乐生活。你们每个人都可以做到。 我与管道承包者和砖瓦承包者、制造商和工程师、能源专家和电学家、房地产经纪人、屋面工、零售商、保险代理人、汽车维修人员、会计师和雇佣顾问,以及建筑商和面包师等都有合作的特权。我见到过许多技艺高超的人在所从事的行业中享受自己的劳动成果。 我也遇到过许多出色的人工作太辛苦,他们很少有笑容,也没有足够重视自己多年的工作。我认识一些人,员工认为他们过时、虐待和不受欢迎的,这些人没有充足的时间陪伴家人、朋友、配偶,也没有充足的时间发展业余爱好,他们的压力过重,而且疲倦不堪。 通过确认问题和应用在我的研讨会和咨询中学习到的解决方法,像sue和Steve这样的人们都有茅塞顿开的经历,光明来临,笑容重现,精力和乐趣重回到他们的生活和事业中。他们收获了不断增长的利润、与员工正式的合作伙伴关系,并且能够重新掌控自己的生活与事业。最重要的是,他们又一次地体会到喜悦、快乐和友情。 什么造成了不同昵?他们都很擅长技艺、生产产品和提供服务。他们所缺失的是如何管理企业。他们学习了如何管理时间进程和员工,理解了金融信息,并且制定了计划。不依赖于咨询,而是掌握如何主动开创自己的未来。他们开始做出选择,并且实施计划。不是对所拥有的被动反应,而是他们开始追逐想要的。这些人选择花时间来学习如何管理他们的公司,然后他们就能在实践中应用所学。 学习如何管理企业是需要花费时间、精力、有奉献精神和经受困苦的。而付出了这么多,所得的结果会加倍奉还。这将是你不能想象地为你带来超值改变。但是,你确实需要失去什么?烦恼,伤心,还是嫉妒? 现在Sue和Steve如何了?四年间,他们的公司规模差不多扩大了—倍。更为重要的是,他们的公司增加了利润。他们所积累的财富和个人的优势都翻了一倍。现在他们有十名员工。Sue管理公司更加轻松,Steve也有时间进行评估和训练员工。他们的员工学到了如何增加公司效益,并且都朝着这个目标努力。 然而,最大的不同在于Sue和Steve能够掌控全局,并且非常开心。 我将这本书设计成管理企业的一项工具,因为我希望你的企业能够满足你的需要。更详细的、范围更广的书籍可以获得,但是,我的目标是提供给你可以立即应用于掌控企业和生活的信息。只要你实施这本书所介绍的方法,你甚至可能有时间去阅读其他书籍。我在参考书目中列出了几本很不错的书籍。 我知晓你们都很忙碌,所以我将这本书编得比较简短,而且要点明确。我也将它设计成能够帮助你们应对挑战和解决问题而可以随时查阅的现成资料。阅读一遍本书,然后选择你需要开始阅读的章节。当然,关键是马上着手阅读! 所以现在就开始阅读吧。手边放二个笔记本以简要记录观点、列出你个人的“现在就做”的计划列表,以及完成每章最后的“作业”。是达到顶峰的时候了。 书评(媒体评论) 一本好书!这本书是我见过的最好的大众商业书籍,既有智慧的点子,又有通向捷径的方法。 ——Sue Salinas,Executive Director,Sonoma County Executive Association 在两年的课程中,琳达教给我们这本书中的主要理念。谢谢琳达把它们公之于众,我很高兴看到它们出版。 ——DaveCarter,Owner,Great Harvest Bakery 琳达从1991年起将这本书的基本思想教给学生,至今她已经为超过100家企业提供了教育服务,指导他们如何成功和获利。她的经验全在这本书中。 ——Larry Dashiell,Owner,Summit Electric and President of North Coast Builders Exchange 我很高兴琳达将她的课程汇编出版。其中“时间管理”的部分是我认为最有价值的。不仅仅使我有效安排工作,更让我有效安排生活。 一April Tweddell,GRI,Co-Owner,Pacific Properties. 琳达的书将商业成就变得简单易懂,使读者能够简单有效地治理企业。在她的指导下,我们成功了! ——Art and Mary Crane,Crane and Son Plumbing and Heating 这本书就像手头上的顾问一样,帮助我在商业活动中做决策。这是一本日常商业领域的常备参考书,值得每个想在生意和生活中做出成绩的管理者阅读。 ——Nancy Hensley,Manager Real Goods Retail Store 这是一本优秀的实战指导,尤其是对于初涉商场的人来说。我们都从这本书中找到了让生意越做越好的经验。 ——Patti Campbell,Fourth District Supervisor,Mendocino County |
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