想要你的网站显示得更快吗?本书阐释了14条特别规则,可以将用户连接一个页面的请求响应时间减少20~25%。作为雅虎的首席性能专家,作者Steve Souders通过优化互联网上某些访问量巨大的页面,总结出了这些最佳实践。即使是像雅虎搜索和雅虎首页这样已经被高度优化过的站点,仍然得益于这些简单得令人吃惊的性能优化规则。
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书名 | 高性能网站(影印版) |
分类 | 教育考试-考试-计算机类 |
作者 | (美)苏德 |
出版社 | 东南大学出版社 |
下载 | ![]() |
简介 | 编辑推荐 想要你的网站显示得更快吗?本书阐释了14条特别规则,可以将用户连接一个页面的请求响应时间减少20~25%。作为雅虎的首席性能专家,作者Steve Souders通过优化互联网上某些访问量巨大的页面,总结出了这些最佳实践。即使是像雅虎搜索和雅虎首页这样已经被高度优化过的站点,仍然得益于这些简单得令人吃惊的性能优化规则。 内容推荐 《高性能网站》中的规則向你解释了可以怎样优化网站中包含的Ajax、CSS、JavaScript、Flash和图片。每个规则都可以在本书的网站上找到对应的特别例子和代码片段。这些规則包括以下内容:减少HTTP连接请求、使用内容分发网络(Content Delivery Network)、在HTTP协议头添加过期时间、把部分内容变成Gzip格式、把样式表(stylesheets)放在顶部、将脚本放在底部、避免CSS表达式、外置JavaScript和CSS、减少DNS查找、将JavaScript最小化、避免重定向连接、删除重复脚本、配置ETags、生成可缓冲Ajax、 如果你在为大流量的站点编写网页并且想要优化站点访问的用户体验,这本书不可或缺。 目录 Foreword Preface A. The Importance of Frontend Performance Tracking Web Page Performance Where Does the Time Go? The Performance Golden Rule B. HTTP Overview Compression Conditional GET Requests Expires Keep-Alive There's More 1. Rule 1: Make Fewer HTTP Requests Image Maps CSS Sprites Inline Images Combined Scripts and Stylesheets Conclusion 2. Rule 2: Use a Content Delivery Network Content Delivery Networks The Savings 3. Rule 3: Add an Expires Header Expires Header Max-Age and mod_expires Empty Cache vs. Primed Cache More Than Just Images Revving Filenames Examples 4. Rule 4: Gzip Components How Compression Works What to Compress The Savings Configuration Proxy Caching Edge Cases Gzip in Action 5. Rule S: Put Stylesheets at the Top Progressive Rendering sleep.cgi Blank White Screen Flash of Unstyled Content What's a Frontend Engineer to Do? 6. Rule 6: Put Scripts at the Bottom Problems with Scripts Parallel Downloads Scripts Block Downloads Worst Case: Scripts at the Top Best Case: Scripts at the Bottom Putting It in Perspective 7. Rule 7: Avoid CSS Expressions Updating Expressions Working Around the Problem Conclusion 8. Rule 8: Make JavaScript and CSS External Inline vs. External Typical Results in the Field Home Pages The Best of Both Worlds 9. Rule 9: Reduce DNS tookups DNS Caching and TTLs The Browser's Perspective Reducing DNS Lookups 10. Rule10:MinifyJavaScript Minification Obfuscation The Savings Examples Icing on the Cake 11. Rule 11: Avoid Redirects Types of Redirects How Redirects Hurt Performance Alternatives to Redirects 12. Rule 12: Remove Duplicate Scripts Duplicate Scripts--They Happen Duplicate Scripts Hurt Performance Avoiding Duplicate Scripts 13. Rule 13:Configure Elags What's an ETag? The Problem with ETags ETags: Use 'Em or Lose 'Em ETags in the Real World 14. Rule 14: Make Ajax Cacheable Web 2.0, DHTML, and Ajax Asynchronous = Instantaneous? Optimizing Ajax Requests Caching Ajax in the Real World 15. Deconstructing 10 Top Sites Page Weight, Response Time, YSlow Grade How the Tests Were Done Amazon AOL CNN eBay MSN MySpace Wikipedia Yahoo! YouTube Index |
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