As modern curricula divide up the teaching of literature according to the language in which it was written, there isn't much room for a displaced person like Erasmus. He always described himself as a citizen of Rotterdam, but in fact his mother moved there only to conceal the birth of a son whom his father could never acknowledge because he was already in holy orders. Whether Erasmus could ever speak fluent Dutch is in question; he certainly never wrote in that tongue, and never resided in his native city--if it was his native city--any longer than he had to.
This Norton Critical Edition provides a wide selection of Erasmus's writings, translated from the Latin into fresh, modern, and witty English. Besides the justly famous Praise of Folly, Robert M. Adams has included the political "Complaint of Peace," the brutal antipapal satire "Julius Excluded from Heaven," two versions of his important preface to the Latin translation of the New Testament, and a selection both serious and comic of his Colloquies and his letters. Adams has made these selections to emphasize the humane, rather than the doctrinaire, side of the first and greatest humanist.
Critical commentary is provided in essays by H. R. TrevorRoper, R. S. Allen, J. Huizinga, Mikhail Bakhtin, Paul Oskar Kristeller, and Robert M. Adams.
Editor's Preface
Selections from the Writings
The Praise of Folly
Author's Preface
The Praise of Folly
The Complaint of Peace
Two Forewords to the Latin Translation of the New
Paraclesis: or, An Exhortation (1516)
Foreword to the Third Edition (1522)
Julius Excluded from Heaven
From The Colloquies
The Alchemy Seam
The Religious Feast
An Inquisition into Faith
The Abbot and the Learned Lady
To Martin Dorp (May 1515) [A Defense of Folly]
To Beatus Rhenanus (ca. 15 October 1518) [The Hardships
of Travel]
To Peter Tomiczi, Bishop of Cracow (31 August 1535)
[A Tempered Perspective]
Critical Commentary
H. R. Trevor-Roper · Desiderius Erasmus
R. S. Allen · The Transalpine Renaissance
I. Huizinga · Erasmus's Mind
Mikhail Bakhtin · [Medieval and Renaissance Folk Humor]
Paul Oskar Kristeller · Erasmus from an Italian Perspective
Robert M. Adams Draining and Filling: A Few Benchmarks
in the History of Humanism
Erasmus: A Chronology
Selected Bibliography