内容推荐 唐朝贞观初年,唐太宗李世民令魏征、褚遂良、虞世南等,整理历代帝王治国资政史料,撷取六经、四史、诸子百家中有关修身、齐家、治国、平天下之精要,于贞观五年(631年)编辑成书,计六十五部约五十余万言,取名为《群书治要》,“治要”,即治国必须遵循的纲要、理论与方法。该书不仅是魏征向唐太宗进谏的重要理论依据,也是唐太宗开创“贞观之治”的思想源泉和施政参考。 《群书治要360》将《群书治要》的嘉言整理为六个大纲:君道、臣术、贵德、为政、敬慎、明辨,每个大纲中,又归纳了若干条目,对现代人的德行、修养、工作、学习、生活等都有着宝贵的指导和借鉴。 本册图书为第一册,由马来西亚汉学院翻译成英文。 目录 前言 Preface 编译组序 Qunshu Zhiyao 360 Editorial Notes Chapter One 君道 THE WAY OF A LEADER 修身 Character Building 戒贪 Guard against greed 勤俭 Be frugal and diligent 惩忿 Refrain from anger 迁善 Emulate good deeds 改过 Correcting our own mistakes 敦亲 Be Respectful of Relatives 反身 Self-Reflection 尊贤 Be Respectful of Wise and Able Ministers 纳谏 Be Receptive to Counsels from Ministers 杜谗邪 Be Averse to Slanderous and Malevolent Advice 审断 Be Perceptive and Astute Chapter Two 臣术 THE ART OF A MINISTER 立节 Uphold Integrity 尽忠 Serve with Utmost Loyalty 劝谏 Presenting Counsels 举贤 Nominating the Right Administrators Chapter Three 贵德 ESTEEMING VIRTUES 尚道 Be Respectful of the Dao 孝悌 Filial Piety and Kinship 仁义 Benevolence and Righteousness 诚信 Be Sincere and Trustworthy 正己 Righting Oneself 度量 Magnanimity 谦虚 Humility 谨慎 Be Discreet 交友 Making Friends 学问 The Art of Learning 有恒 Perseverance Chapter Four 为政 ON THE SUBJECT OF ADMINISTRATION 务本 Engaging the Principles 知人 Good Judge of Character 任使 Appointing Officials 至公 Paramount Impartiality 教化 Teach and Transform 礼乐 Propriety and Music 爱民 Caring about People 民生 The Livelihood of People 法古 Learn from the Past 纲纪 The Basis of Principles 赏罚 Reward and Punishment 法律 Law and Statute 慎武 Be Careful with Military Actions 将兵 Generals and Soldiers Chapter Five 敬慎 BEING RESPECTFULLY CAUTIOUS 微渐 Taking Precautions 风俗 Social Customs 治乱 Conquering Chaos 鉴戒 Heedful of Troubling Signs 应事 Making Correct Response 慎始终 Exercising Caution from the Beginning to the End 养生 Maintaining Good Health Chapter Six 明辨 DISCERNING 邪正 Good or Evil 人情 Human Sentiments 才德 Talents and Virtues 朋党 Formation of Cliques 辨物 Differences that Matter 因果 Cause and Effect Glossary Bibliography |