I Protection & construction of China's main ecosystem 5
Forest ecosystem 6
Grassland ecosystem 15
Wetland ecosystem 21
Farmland ecosystem 31
Oasis ecosystem in deserts 41
Marine ecosystems 48
Freshwater ecosystem 54
II Protection of biolooical diversity 63
Biological diversity in China 64
Natural reserves, zoos and botanical gardens 66
Protection of rare and endangered species 69
Exotic species control 8o
Active participation in the protection of global
biodiversity 83
III Ecological construction and rehabilitation 85
Mine resources restoration 86
Ecological rehabilitation along the Qinghai-Tibet
Railway 89
Ecological protection in water conservancy
projects 90
Development of ecotourism 95
IV Energy conservation and emission reduction 99
Energy conservation and consumption reduction 100
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions 103
Decrease in sulfur dioxide emission and chemical
oxygen demand (COD) 105
New and renewable sources of energy 107
V Rural and urban ecological protection 113
New socialist countryside construction 114
Urban ecological construction 120
VI Green Olympics 125
Compliance with afforestation indicators 126
Better air quality 128