Until now, this important text has been unavailable except for a microfilm of the 1654 edition. For this new annotated edition of the 1560 version,Elaine Hobby has modernized the spelling and included informative notes. In her critical introduction, she not only traces the development of the book from its German origins, but also shows how early-modern ideas about the reproductive process combined ancient,medieval, and contemporary conceptions.
Between 1540 and 1654, The Byrth of Mankynde was a huge commercial success.Offering information on fertility, pregnancy,birth, and infant care, and written in a chatty,colloquial style, it influenced most other literary works of the period bearing on sex,reproduction, and childcare. Until now, this important text has been unavailable except for a microfilm of the 1654 edition. For this new annotated edition of the 1560 version,Elaine Hobby has modernized the spelling and included informative notes. In her critical introduction, she not only traces the development of the book from its German origins, but also shows how early-modern ideas about the reproductive process combined ancient,medieval, and contemporary conceptions. Combining editorial rigour with a concern for the needs of the informed non-specialist, Hobby has made available a text that will be useful to scholars and students in a range of academic disciplines, including literature, history, and women's studies.
List of lllustrations
List of Abbreviations
The History of The Birth of Mankind
Humoral Theory
Other Common Medical Beliefs in the Early-Modern Period
New Anatomy in The Birth of Mankind
Illustrations in The Birth of Mankind
The 'Authors" of The Birth of Mankind
Note on Textual History
The Birth of Mankind: Otherwise Named, the Woman's Book
Preface (Albeit some Aristarchus may perhaps find some lack)
Here Beginneth the Table of the Present Book
A Prologue to the Women Readers
1 The First Book
2 The Second Book
3 The Third Book
4 The Fourth Book
1 Richard Jonas's Titlepage, 1540
2 Richard Jonas's Preface to his 1540 Edition
3 Richard Jonas's Dedication of the 1540 Edition to
Queen Katherine Howard
Richard Jonas's Table of Weights" and Measures, 1540
Richard Jonas's Chapter 1, 1540
Richard Jonas's Infant Remedies, 1540
Richard Jonas's Fertility Remedies, 1540
The Birth of Mankind
8 Thomas Raynalde's Latin Preface, 1545, 1552
9 Thomas Raynalde's Anatomical Table, 1545
10 Titlepage, 1654
11 Chapter Added 1654
12 Changes Introduced into The Birth of Mankind between 1540 and 1560
13 Changes Introduced into the Anatomical Table of The Birth of Mankind between 1545 and 1552
14 Changes Introduced into The Birth of Mankind after 1560
Medical Glossary