The rooms designed for King Ludwig II of Bavaria represent one of the supreme ex-amples of interior decoration in the second half of the 19th century. Drawrag on historical and literary sources the Bavar-Jan monarch created poetic sanctuaries.private refuges from a workaday workaday he regarded as all too dreary.
This profusely illustrated publication pre-sents for the first time in numerous photo-graphs commissioned for this book the costly furnishings in the castles of Linder-hof, Neuschwanstein and Herrenchiemsee.The workshop of the Munich court cabinet-.maker Anton Possenbacher was responsi-ble for almost all the furniture frames and inlaid parquet floors in Ludwigs castles.The author discusses the furniture with all its ornate carving, embroidered and woven silk upholstery and opulent bronze mounts and fittings, amply demonstrating the originality and artistic inventiveness of the designers who worked for Ludwig II.