本书是一部优秀的、注重实践的JavaScript教程。作者首先概览了JavaScript,包括它的语法、良好的编码习惯、DOM编程原则等;然后构建了JavaScript工具包,包括动态操作标记、使用CSS和DOM修改页面风格、验证表单、处理图像等;接着通过一个完整的案例研究阐明了如何使用多种JavaScript 技术协同工作;最后单独设计一章来讲述第三方示例,演示了YUI 和 jQuery JavaScript库的使用。本书适合初级和中级水平的JavaScript开发人员阅读,可作为高等院校计算机专业的JavaScript课程教材。
1 Reacting to the virtual world
2 Everything has its place
3 Browser spelunking
4 If there's a fork in the road, take it
5 At the risk of repeating myself
6 Reduce, reuse, recycle
7 Getting the user to tell all
8 Slicing and dicing html with the dom
9 Objects as frankendata
10 Having it your way with custom bojects
11 Good scripts gone wrong
12 Touchy-feely web applications