This Norton Critical Edition of one of Defoe's greatest works reprints the 1722 text, the only edition published in Defoe's lifetime. The authoritative text has been fully annotated and makes available a perennially popular novel, one that has often been mistaken for an actual eye-witness account of the last great plague in England.
The Text of A Journal o[ the Plague Year
Map: Detail of H. F.'s London
A 1ournal of the Plague Year
Backgrounds: The Plague of 1665 and the Threat of 1720-21
Orders Conceived and Published by the Lord MAIOR and
Aldermen of the City of London, concerning the Infection
of the Plague. 1665.
John Graunt·From Reflections on the Weekly Bills of Mortali
and Natural and Political Observations upon the Bills of
College of Physicians·Necessary Directions for the Preventiol
and Cure of the PLAGUE in 1665
Thomas Vincent·From God's Terrible Voice in the City
Nathaniel Hodges·From Loimologia: Or, an Historical
Account of the Plague in London in 1665
[Daniel Defoe]·From Applebee's Original Weekly Journal
From The Daily Journal
The London Gazette·[Quarantine Act of 1721]
Richard Mead·A Short Discourse concerning Pestilential
Contagion, and the Methods to be Used to Prevent It
Contexts: Reflections on Plagues and Their Effects
Thucydides·[The Plague at Athens]
Giovanni Boccaccio·The First Day
Thomas Dekker·From The Wonderful Year
Albert Camus·From The Plague
Michel Foucault·Panopticism
Susan Sontag·From AIDS and Its Metaphors
George Whitmore·Epilogue to Someone Was Here
Public Informational Material about AIDS
Sir Walter Scott·Daniel De Foe
Louis A. Landa·[Religion, Science, and Medicine in A
Journal of the Plague Year]
Everett Zimmerman·H.F.'s Meditations: A ]ournal of the
Plague Year
John l- Richetti·Epilogue: A Journal o[the Plague
Year as Epitome
Maximillian E. Novak·Defoe and the Disordered City
John Bender·The City and the Rise of the Penitentiary:
A Journal of the Plague Year
Michelle Brandwein·Formation, Process, and Transition
in A Journal of the Plague Year
Daniel Defoe: A Chronology
Selected Bibliography