List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Preliminary remarks
1.2 The commitment of the study
1.3 The story of irony
1.3.1 Origin
1.3.2 Irony in Chinese context
1.3.3 Classification
1.3.4 Uses and functions
1.3.5 Summary of the section
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Methodological issues
1.5.1 Lead-in remarks
1.5.2 Research phases
1.6 Data
1.7 Structure of the dissertation
1.8 Summary
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Historical survey
2.2.1 Greek
2.2.2 Latins
2.2.3 Mediaeval and Renaissance
2.2.4 Early modern times
2.2.5 Modern times
2.2.6 Brief summary
2.3 Theoretical survey abroad
2.3.1 Initial remarks
2.3.2 Non - cognitive - pragmatic studies
2.3.3 Cognitive - pragmatic studies
2.3.4 Summary
2.4 Research in Chinese context
2.4.1 Preliminaries
2.4.2 Chronological survey
2.5 Remaining crucial problem
2.6 Summary
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Preliminaries
3.2 Methodological constraints
3.3 Theoretical background of the present study
3.3.1 Main assumptions of cognitive linguistics
3.3.2 A brief survey of cognitive pragmatics
3.3.3 Theories of human cognitive abilities
3.4 Towards a unified theoretical framework
3.4.1 MM- based pragmatic reasoning
3.4.2 Explicit expression - implicit expression inference
3.4.3 Autonomy - dependence alignment
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Issues of Definition and Taxonomy Revisited
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Definitions of irony revisited
4.2.1 Initial remarks
4.2.2 Classical identification
4.2.3 Modifications
4.2.4 Definitions in Chinese context
4.3 Three claims reconsidered
4.4 Working definition of fan yu
4.5 Classification revisited
4.6 Taxonomy of verbal irony
4.6.1 Positive attitude irony
4.6.2 Negative attitude irony
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5 Irony as a cognitive-pragmatic phenomenon
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Chinese irony and its pragmatic features
5.2.1 Speaker's intention
5.2.2 Caneellability
5.2.3 Pragmatic vagueness
5.2.4 Contextua\\ constraints
5.2.5 Indirect communicative act
5.3 Chinese irony and its pragmatic functions
5.3.1 Sarcasm
5.3.2 Politeness
5.3.3 Intimacy
5.3.4 Humor
5.3.5 Praise
5.4 Irony seen from the cognitive perspective
5.4.1 The cognitive traits of irony
5.4.2 Proximity cognition underlying irony
5.5 Irony: cognitive - pragmatic interface
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Mechanism of the Use of irony Redescribed
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Further description of the underlying mechanism
6.3 Interpretation of irony
6.3.1 Process of interpretation of irony
6.3.2 Analyses of examples
6.4 Production of irony
6.4.1 Process of production of irony
6.4.2 Analyses of some examples
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Findings and conclusions
7.3 Implications
7.4 Limitations of our work
7.5 Suggestions for further study
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Referred