A Portable Cooling System for Contaminated Water Diving
M L Nukols, J A Henkener
OSHA Update: Commercial Diving Directives, Part 1
Steve Butler
Enriched Air Nitro - practical applications for the working diver
Omaha Greene
Lateral Inspection on the Panama Canal
Jeff Byars, Tom Glebas
Offshore Platform Inspections using Small Inspection Class ROVs
Steve Van Meter, Mark Gleason
Submarine Rescue
John Mortenson, John Howard
MTS Overview of Submersible Activity in 2006
Charles Kohnen
The Current Hurricane Era, Including a 2006 Review and a 2007 Preview
Chris Hebert
Data Management System for Offshore Platforms and Pipelines using Web-based
Wael Bakr
Superior Diver Thermal Protection Using Aerogel Super-Insulation Fabrics
M L Nuckols, J A Henkener
Engineer-Diver Program, Why we need it
Rogelio Morales
Saturation Dive Systems for the 21st Century
Graeme Clark
Detailed Hull Inspection with MicroROVs
Steve Van Meter, Hank Dufrene
The Use of ROV's in Natural Resource Education
Mark Gleason
Rock Cutting with the T750 Super Trencher
Allan Spencer, Joe Machin, Eric Jackson
ROV Work Skid for Remediation of Hydrates in flowlines
Steven Barrow
Fuzzy Control of Underwater Robot Manipulators
S.R. Pandian, V. Tinnium, F. Petry, N. Sakagami
Underwater Construction Inspection Route 123 Bridge over
William J. Castle
Beesley's Point Bridge Company
William J. Castle
Biodegradable, Environmentally Safe Lubricants for Underwater Applications
Mark Miller
Thank you for your Support
Sarah Howse, Renee Hodder
The MATE Technical Internship Program: Providing employers with future
employees and students with real world workplace experiences
Lani Clough
MATE ROV Competition's Ocean Expo Brings Employers Face-to-Face with
Potential Employees
Jill Zande
AQUARIUS: A New Era for the world's only Undersea Laboratory
Karen Kohanowich
Evolution of a Deep Ocean Exploration ROV
Justin Manley
ROM Intervention Interfaces
Donald Faulds
ROVs and Education
Chris Olstad, Tom Glebas
Fabric Formwork and Pipeline Stabilization and Support
Pat Jeffries, John Hoard
Methods of Marine Pile Repair and Rehabilitation
Bart Carie//o, Bobby Carlson
Fabricated Pipeline Repair Fittings
Jennifer Williams, Donny Seals
Marine Towed Array (MTA) System suitable for underwater unexploded ordinance
(UXO) Surveying
Chet Bassini
Condition Surveys of Underwater Infrastructure During Full Plant Operations
Providing 2-D and 3-D Representation
Robert Clarke, Jason Gillham
Sonar Selection and Mitigation of Underwater Threats
William A. McCullough
Constant Differential Accumulators for ROVs
Benton Baugh
Underwater Port Security
Scott Bentley
HCMR's Submerged Operations with the S/M "THETIS and ROVs".
Spyros Volonakis
Scientific Applications of .:dustrial ROVs in the Deep Waters of the Gulf of
Tanya Ribakoff,, Mark Benfield, Terry Rooney
ROVs for Restricted Access Hydrographic Surveys
Jeff Snyder, Matthew Cook
ABS Classification and IMO Diving System Safety Certificate for Diving Systems
Ravi Tanwar
Submersible Surface Stability Analysis
Lin Li
DP ROV Fact or Fiction
/an Florence, David Wright
Vision in Turbid Water
Edward O. Belcher
ASUSV - Advanced System for Underwater Stereoscopic Vision
Roge/io Morales, Demian Pereira
Prototype of a Stereoscopic Vision System to Improve the Image Quality in
Turbid Waters During Underwater Inspection
R. Morales, D. Pereira
Spilled Oil Chasing Autonomous Buoy System
H. Senga, N. Kato, R. Ma, A. /to, T. Miyagawa, M. Yoshie, /. Fjita, H. Omori
The Sea Wolf - Performance and Perspectives of a new AUV
Wi//i Hornfe/d
Pipeline Inspection - Latest Results from the ALISTAR 3000 Trials
T. Copros, D. Scourzic
Advances in Atmospheric Diving Technology
Derek White
An Integrated Marine Gradiometer Array System (MGA) for Detection and
Location of UXO in Littoral to Deep Marine and Freshwater Environments
Richard L. Funk
Underwater Port Security - Jamaica
David Francis
HULS Fest - US Navy Benchmark
Marcus Kolb
New horizons for thr DeepWorker 2000
James Pearl
Reconstruction of Manned Submersibles PS 1201
Robert Wicklund
Author Index