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书名 | 传热学双语精讲 |
分类 | 教育考试-大中专教材-大学教材 |
作者 | 吴金星 |
出版社 | 机械工业出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书遵循教育部教指委相关指导文件和高等院校学生学习规律编写而成。践行四新理念,融入思政元素,注重理论与实践相结合。 内容推荐 本书采用双栏排版、英汉对照,以适应教育国际化发展的趋势,培养具有国际视野的专业人才。本书在内容上力求简明扼要,突出重点,精讲基本概念和基础理论,并融入了课程思政元素,同时注重理论联系实际,通过实例培养学生的工程实践能力和创新思维能力。 本书围绕热传导、热对流和热辐射三种基本传热方式,系统地阐述了稳态热传导和非稳态热传导的理论与数值解法、对流传热的理论基础与实验关联式、热辐射的基本定律和辐射传热计算,以及传热过程分析与换热器热计算方法。章节后的思考题、自测题和习题可以帮助读者加深对专业知识的理解,掌握专业理论的工程应用方法。 本书可作为能源动力类、建筑环境类、化工类、机械类、材料类、航空航天类及电气类等专业的专业基础课或专业英语课教材,也可供相关技术人员参考。 目录 前言 Chapter 1 The Basic Modes of Heat Transfer/第1章 热量传递的基本方式/ 1.1Importance of Heat Transfer/1.1传热学的重要性/ 1.2Research Content and Methods of Heat Transfer/1.2传热学的研究内容及方法/ 1.3Heat Conduction and Its Laws/1.3热传导及其规律/ 1.4Heat Convection and Its Laws/1.4热对流及其规律/ 1.5Thermal Radiation and Its Laws/1.5热辐射及其规律/ 1.6Heat Transfer Process and Calculation of Its Heat Transfer Coefficient/1.6传热过程及其传热系数计算/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 2 Steady-state Heat Conduction/第2章 稳态热传导/ 2.1The Basic Law of Heat Conduction/2.1导热基本定律/ 2.2Thermal Conductivity/2.2导热系数/热导率/ 2.3The Differential Equation of Heat Conduction/2.3导热微分方程式/ 2.4The Definite Solution Conditions of a Heat Conduction Process/2.4导热过程的定解条件/ 2.5The Steady-state Heat Conduction of a Single-layer Plane Wall/2.5单层平壁的稳态导热/ 2.6The Steady-state Heat Conduction of a Multilayer Plane Wall/2.6多层平壁的稳态导热/ 2.7The Steady-state Heat Conduction of a Single-layer Cylinder Wall/2.7单层圆筒壁的稳态导热/ 2.8The Steady-state Heat Conduction of a Multilayer Cylindrical Wall/2.8多层圆筒壁的稳态导热/ 2.9The Steady-state Heat Conduction with Complex Boundary Conditions/2.9复杂边界条件的稳态导热/ 2.10The Enhanced Heat Transfer Methods for a Heat Transfer Process/2.10传热过程的强化传热方法/ 2.11The Heat Conduction Analysis of the Straight Fin with Constant Cross-section/2.11等截面直肋的导热分析/ 2.12An Application Case of Heat Conduction of Fins—a Thermowell/2.12肋片导热的应用案例——温度计套管/ 2.13Fin Efficiency and Contact Thermal Resistance/2.13肋片效率与接触热阻/ 2.14An Application Case of Heat Conduction of Fins— Plane-plate Type Solar Collector/2.14肋片导热的应用案例——平板式太阳能集热器/ 2.15One-dimensional Steady-state Heat Conduction with an Internal Heat Source/2.15有内热源的一维稳态导热/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 3 Unsteady-state Heat Conduction/第3章 非稳态热传导/ 3.1The Characteristics of Unsteady-state Heat Conduction/3.1非稳态导热的特点/ 3.2Biot Number and Characteristic Numbers/3.2毕渥数及特征数/ 3.3The Analysis Method of Zero-dimensional Problem/3.3零维问题的分析法/ 3.4The Application of the Lumped Parameter Method/3.4集中参数法的应用/ 3.5The Analytical Solution of One-dimensional Unsteady-state Heat Conduction of an Infinite Plane Plate/3.5无限大平板一维非稳态导热 分析解/ 3.6The Analytical Solution of Unsteady-state Heat Conduction of Semi-infinite Objects/3.6半无限大物体非稳态导热 分析解/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 4 Numerical Solution of a Heat Conduction Problem/第4章 热传导问题的数值解法/ 4.1The Numerical Solution Steps of a Heat Conduction Problem/4.1导热问题数值求解步骤/ 4.2Establishment of the Discrete Equations of Internal Nodes— Taylor Series Method/4.2内节点离散方程的建立——泰勒级数法/ 4.3Establishment of the Discrete Equations of Internal Nodes— The Heat Balance Method/4.3内节点离散方程的建立——热平衡法/ 4.4Establishment of the Discrete Equations of Boundary Nodes/4.4边界节点离散方程的建立/ 4.5The Iteration Solution Method of Algebraic Equation Group/4.5求解代数方程组的迭代法/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 5 Theoretical Basis of Convection Heat Transfer/第5章 对流传热的理论基础/ 5.1The Influencing Factors of Convection Heat Transfer/5.1对流传热的影响因素/ 5.2The Differential Equation of Convective Heat Transfer Process/5.2对流传热过程微分方程式/ 5.3The Differential Equation Group of Convection Heat Transfer/5.3对流传热微分方程组/ 5.4The Boundary Layer/5.4边界层/ 5.5The Differential Equation Group of Heat Transfer in Laminar Boundary Layer/5.5层流边界层传热微分方程组/ 5.6Local Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient in Laminar Boundary Layer/5.6层流边界层局部表面传热 系数/ 5.7The Calculation Examples of Heat Transfer in Laminar Boundary Layer/5.7层流边界层传热计算实例/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 6 The Experimental Correlations of Convection Heat Transfer/第6章 对流传热的实验关联式/ 6.1The Similarity Principle/6.1相似原理/ 6.2The Similarity Analysis Method/6.2相似分析法/ 6.3The Dimensional Analysis Method/6.3量纲分析法/ 6.4The Application of the Similarity Principle/6.4相似原理的应用/ 6.5The Application Examples of the Similarity Principle/6.5相似原理应用实例/ 6.6The Characteristics of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Tubes/6.6管内强制对流传热的特征/ 6.7The Experimental Correlations of Turbulent Heat Transfer in Tubes/6.7管内湍流传热实验关联式/ 6.8Nusselt Number of Laminar Heat Transfer in Tubes/6.8管内层流传热的Nu/ 6.9An Application Example of the Experimental Correlations in Tubes/6.9管内实验关联式的应用实例/ 6.10The Experimental Correlation Equations for Heat Transfer of Fluid Flowing Across a Single Tube/6.10流体横掠单管传热实验关 联式/ 6.11The Experimental Correlation Equations for Heat Transfer of Fluid Flowing Across Tube Bundle/6.11流体横掠管束传热实验 关联式/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 7 Phase Change Convection Heat Transfer/第7章 相变对流传热/ 7.1The Modes of Condensation Heat Transfer/7.1凝结传热的模式/ 7.2The Analytical Solution of Laminar Film-wise Condensation/7.2层流膜状凝结的分析解/ 7.3The Correlation Formula of Film-wise Condensation Calculation/7.3膜状凝结计算关联式/ 7.4The Influencing Factors of Film-wise Condensation/7.4膜状凝结的影响因素/ 7.5The Heat Transfer Enhancement of Film-wise Condensation/7.5膜状凝结的传热强化/ 7.6The Modes of Boiling Heat Transfer/7.6沸腾传热的模式/ 7.7The Saturated Boiling Curve in Large Vessels/7.7大容器饱和沸腾曲线/ 7.8The Experimental Correlations of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer/7.8大容器沸腾传热实验关联式/ 7.9The Influencing Factors and Enhancement of Boiling Heat Transfer/7.9沸腾传热的影响因素及 强化/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 8 Basic Laws of Thermal Radiation and Radiation Properties/第8章 热辐射基本定律和辐射特性/ 8.1Thermal Radiation Phenomenon/8.1热辐射现象/ 8.2A Black Body Model/8.2黑体模型/ 8.3Planck’s Law/8.3普朗克定律/ 8.4Stefan-Boltzmann’s Law/8.4斯特藩-玻尔兹曼定律/ 8.5Lambert’s Law/8.5兰贝特定律/ 8.6The Thermal Radiation Characteristics of Actual Objects/8.6实际物体的辐射特性/ 8.7The Absorptivity of Actual Objects/8.7实际物体的吸收比/ 8.8Kirchhoff’s Law/8.8基尔霍夫定律/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 9 Calculation of Radiation Heat Transfer/第9章 辐射传热计算/ 9.1Angle Factor of Radiation Heat Transfer/9.1辐射传热的角系数/ 9.2The Properties of the Angle Factor/9.2角系数的性质/ 9.3The Calculation Method of the Angle Factor/9.3角系数的计算方法/ 9.4Radiation Heat Transfer in a Closed Cavity with Two Surfaces/9.4两表面封闭腔的辐射传热/ 9.5Radiation Heat Transfer Calculation of a Closed Cavity with Two Surfaces/9.5两表面封闭腔的辐射传热 计算/ 9.6Radiation Heat Transfer in Multi-surface Closed Systems/9.6多表面封闭系统的辐射传热/ 9.7Radiation Heat Transfer Calculation for Multi-surface Closed Systems/9.7多表面封闭系统的辐射传热 计算/ 9.8The Characteristics of Gas Radiation/9.8气体辐射的特点/ 9.9Control of Radiation Heat Transfer/9.9辐射传热的控制/ Exercises/ 习题/ Chapter 10 Analysis of the Heat Transfer Process and Ther- mal Calculation of Heat Exchanger/第10章 传热过程分析与换热器热 计算/ 10.1Analysis and Calculation Methods of Heat Transfer Process/10.1传热过程分析与计算方法/ 10.2Application of Calculation Method for the Heat Transfer Process/10.2传热过程的计算方法应用/ 10.3The Types of Heat Exchangers/10.3换热器的类型/ 10.4Calculation of the Mean Temperature Difference for Fully Parallel-flow or Fully Counter-flow Heat Exchangers/10.4纯顺流或逆流换热器的平均温差计算/ 10.5The Calculation of Mean Temperature Difference for Heat Exchanger with Complex Arrangement/10.5复杂布置换热器的平均温差 计算/ 10.6The Thermal Calculation of Dividing Wall Type Heat Exchang- er—The Mean Temperature Difference Method/10.6间壁式换热器热计算——平均温差法/ 10.7The Thermal Calculation of Dividing Wall Type Heat Exchanger—The Effectiveness-Heat Transfer Unit Number Method/10.7间壁式换热器热计算——效能-传热单元数法/ 10.8The Application Examples for the Thermal Calculation of Heat Exchangers/10.8换热器热计算应用实例/ 10.9Enhanced Heat Transfer Technologies of Heat Exchangers/10.9换热器的强化传热技术/ 10.10The Thermal Resistance Separation Method in the Heat Transfer Process/10.10传热过程的热阻分离法/ Exercises/ 习题/ Appendix(QR Code)/附录(二维码)/ Appendix AHeat Transfer Common Information (Units,Physical Properties,Functions)/附录A传热学常用资料(单位、物性、函数)/ Appendix BEnglish-Chinese Comparison of Heat Transfer Termi- nology/附录B传热学专业词汇英汉对照(按中文拼音排序)/ Appendix CEnglish-Chinese Comparison of the Physical Meanings of the Main Symbols in This Book/附录C本书主要符号物理意义英汉对照/ References/参考文献/ |
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