Included hcrc are cssays by Linda Wagner-Martin, Villiam James, and Otto Veininger.
A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.
This Norton Critical Edition of Gertrude Stein's first major published work reprints the 1909 Grafton edition of Three Lives and the 1971 Liveright edition of Q.E.D., a restored version of the 1950 text.
This Norton Critical Edition of Gertrude Stein's first major published work reprints the 1909 Grafton edition of Three Lives and the 1971 Liveright edition of Q.E.D., a restored version of the 1950 text. Q.E.D., one of Stein's first works of fiction and an early version of the story "Melanctha" in Three Lil,es, was written in 1903 but remained unpublished until after Stein's death, probably because of its lesbian content. Its inc[usion in this Norton Critical Edition helps to shed light on Stein's writing process and the genesis.
"Contexts" is comprised of two sections--"Biography" and "Intellectual Backgrounds"--that inform readers about Stein's inspirations for Three Lil,es, the evolution of the hook, her difficulty in finding a publisher, and how and why her experimental writing style was met with some confusion. Included hcrc are cssays by Linda Wagner-Martin, Villiam James, and Otto Veininger.
An abundant "Criticism" section cotlccts nineteen chronologically ordered essays on Stcin's life and work, from the decades in which her work was regarded as important primarily for its influence on writers such as Ernest Hcmingway and Sherwood Anderson to the scholarship of more recent decades. Critics include William Carlos, Car Van Vechten, Richard Bridgman,Catharine Stimpson, Lisa Ruddick, Michael North, Priscilla wald. and Carla Peterson.
A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.
The Texts of Three Lives and Q.E.D.
A Note on the Texts
Three Lives
The Good Anna
The Gentle Lena
Linda Wagner-Martin·[Writing the Early Novels]
William James·The Sense of Time
Otto Weininger·Emancipated Women
Contemporary Reception: Six Anonymous Newspaper Reviews
William Carlos Williams·The Work of Gertrude Stein
Carl Van Vechten·A Stein Song
Donald Sutherland·[Three Lives]
Richard Bridgman·[Q.E.D. and"Melanctha"]
Carl Wood·Continuity of Romantic Irony: Stein's Homage to Laforgue in Three Lives
Catharine R. Stimpson·[Lesbianism in Q.E.D. and "Melanctha"]
Marianne DeKoven·[Anti-patriarchalWriting and Three Lives]
Jayne L. Walker·Three Lives: The Realism of the Composition
Sonia Saldfvar-Hull·[Racism in "Melanctha"]
Lisa Ruddick· [Gender and Consciousness in"Melanctha"]
Marianne DeKoven·[Race, Sexuality, and Form in"Melanctha"]
Corinne E. Blackmer·[African Masks and Passing in Stein and Larsen]
Michael North·[Stein, Picasso, and African Masks]
Priscilla Wald·[Immigration and "The Anxiety of Identity"]
Jaime Hovey· Sapphic Primitivism in Gertrude Stein's Q.E.D.
Carla L. Peterson·["Melanctha" and African-American Music]
M. Lynn Weiss·[Stein and Richard Wright]
Barbara Will·[Race and Jewishness]
Daylanne K. English·[Eugenics in"Melanctha"]
Gertrude Stein: A Chronology
Selected Bibliography