Attractor for Nonlinear Schr'odinger Equation Coupling with Stochastic Weakly Damped.Forced KdV Equation
Existence of the Global Smooth Solution to the Period Boundary Value Problem of Fractional Nonlinear Schr'ddinger Equation
Random Attractors for a Quasi-geostrophic Dynamical System under Stochastic Forcin9
Random Attractors for Quasi-continuous Random Dynamical Systems and Applications to Stochastic Reaction-diffusion Equations
The Global Solution of the(2十1)-dimensional Long Wave-short Wave Resonance Interaction Equation。
The Decay Rates of Solutions of Generalized Benjamin--Bona.Mahony Equations in Multi-dimensions
Blow up and Instability of Solitary Wave Solutions to a Generalized Kadomtsev- Petviashvili Equation and Tw0-dimensional Benjamin-Ono Equations
Global Smooth Solutions of the Spin Polarized Transport EquationExistence of Partially Regular Weak Solutions to Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwdl Equations
The Limit Behavior of the Solutions to a Class of Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Equations
Cauchy Problem for the Multi-dimensional Boussinesq Type Equation
Well-posedness of the Ferrimagnetic Equations
THe AsymptOtic Behavior of the Stochastic Ginzbur9-Landau Equation with Additive Noise
Blow-up and Global Smooth Solutions for Incompressible Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations
Blow up and Strong Instability Result for a Quasilinear Schr6dinger Equation
Orbital Stability of Solitary Waves for Kundu Equation
Some Exact Solutions to Multidimensional Landau-Lifshitz Equation with Uprush External Field and Anisotropy Field 2008年
Attractor for Nonlinear Schr'odinger Equation Coupling with Stochastic Weakly Damped.Forced KdV Equation
Existence of the Global Smooth Solution to the Period Boundary Value Problem of Fractional Nonlinear Schr'ddinger Equation
Random Attractors for a Quasi-geostrophic Dynamical System under Stochastic Forcin9
Random Attractors for Quasi-continuous Random Dynamical Systems and Applications to Stochastic Reaction-diffusion Equations
The Global Solution of the(2十1)-dimensional Long Wave-short Wave Resonance Interaction Equation。
The Decay Rates of Solutions of Generalized Benjamin--Bona.
Mahony Equations in Multi-dimensions
Blow up and Instability of Solitary Wave Solutions to a Generalized Kadomtsev- Petviashvili Equation and Tw0-dimensional Benjamin-Ono Equations
Global Smooth Solutions of the Spin Polarized Transport EquationExistence of Partially Regular Weak Solutions to Landau-Lifshitz-Maxwdl Equations
The Limit Behavior of the Solutions to a Class of Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Equations
Cauchy Problem for the Multi-dimensional Boussinesq Type Equation
Well-posedness of the Ferrimagnetic Equations
THe AsymptOtic Behavior of the Stochastic Ginzbur9-Landau Equation with Additive Noise
Blow-up and Global Smooth Solutions for Incompressible
Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations
Blow up and Strong Instability Result for a Quasilinear Schr6dinger Equation
Orbital Stability of Solitary Waves for Kundu Equation
Some Exact Solutions to Multidimensional Landau-Lifshitz
Equation with Uprush External Field and Anisotropy Field
Dynamics of Stochastic Zakharov Equations
Attractor and Spatial Chaos for the Brusselator in RN
Global Solutions of a Dynamical Equation in Ferrimagnet
Blowup and Global Existence of the Nonlinear Schrodinger
Equations with Multiple Potentials
Instability of Standing Wave, Global Existence and Blowup for the Klein-Gordon-Zakharov System with Different-degree Nonlinearities
Well Posedness for the Stochastic Cahn-hilliard Equation Driven by Levy Space-time White Noise
Existence and Stability of Steady Waves for the Hasegawa-Mima Equation
Blowup Profile to the Solutions of Two-coupled Schrodinger
Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz Equation
Sharp Threshold of Global Existence for the Generalized
Davey-Stewartson System in a2
3D Stochastic Primitive Equations of the Large-scale Ocean: Global Well-posedness and Attractors
The Convergence of Non-Newtonian Fluids to Navier-Stokes Equations
Sharp Constant in Nonlocal Inequality and Its Applications t
o Nonlocal Schrodinger Equation with Harmonic Potential
Orbital Stability of Standing Wave Solution for a Quasilinear Schodinger Equation