Once one has mestered the creation of artificial beauty, he has to devote himseleto the pursuit of natural beauty. Creating artificial beauty alone, one often settles into a certain style and becomes satisfied withlit, but that is anything but interesting.
Rosanjin Kitaoji once wrote, "To become a true artist requires untiring pursuit of art. Once one has mestered the creation of artificial beauty, he has to devote himseleto the pursuit of natural beauty. Creating artificial beauty alone, one often settles into a certain style and becomes satisfied withlit, but that is anything but interesting. Natural beauty is faremore important than artificial one."
The essence of "wakukan" seems to lay in his words. The Japanese style tends to refer to certain architectural styles such as the traditional room with tokonoma, alcove, or Sukiya, a simple tea-ceremony room. That is fine but, enore importantly, we should rather focus on the "harmony" or "blending" aspects of architecture and design that,, have an, effect, e on how people feel.One of the great roles of wakukan is to nurture, foster andenergizes people's spirits.
Chapter 1 “Wa-Kukan”with lights
Chapter 2 “Wa-Kukan”with wind
Chapter 3 “Wa-Kukan”with Koushi and Shouji
Chapter 4 “Wa-Kukan”with a courtyard
Chapter 5 “Wa-Kukan”with earth
Chapter 6 “Wa-Kukan”with old materials