This handsome 2,256 page volume, created in cooperation with the editors of Merriam-Webster, is both comprehensive and authoritative. Clearly written and easy-to-use, it is the single best resource for speakers and writers of American English today.
FEATURES INCLUDE:More than 330,000 words and definitions Over 1,000 illustrations Hundreds of Word History, Synonym, and Usageparagraphs that appear throughout the Dictionary A New Words and Senses section covering the most recent additions to our language An extensive Geographical Names section wihpronunciations and location information A comprehensive Biographical Names section with pronunciations and dates An Abbreviations section explaining the most commonly used abbreviations and symbols for chemical elements A Handbook of Style, providing guidance on Punctuation, Capitalization, Italicization and Documentation of Sources for research papers.
Explanatory Notes
New Words
Guide to Pronunciation
A Dictionary of the English Language
Abbreviations and Symbols for Chemical Elements
Biographical Names
Geographical Names
Handbook of Style