New aesthetic potential was released at the end of the eighteenth century inthe wake of the Enlightenment. The natural sciences were declared a recog-nized means of explaining the world, and geometric axioms competed withanatomic rules of proportion.
1773-1916 Preporina for Modernism in the Industrial Aqe
Of Iron Giants and Glass Virgins
The Chicago School
1884-1925 Setting Off to Unknown Realms
L'Entree du Siecle
In the For Landscape
Circle and Square
The Modern Factory
Creative in Concrete
1912-1941 The Turbulence and Upsurge of Modernism
The Return of Art
Volumetric Experiments
Housing Estates
Machines for Living In
The International Style
The New Deal
1944-1971 An Art Form in its Prime
Case Studies
Less is More
The Flying Roof
Concrete Containers
1947-2004 Criticizing the Establishment
Learning from Las Vegas
The Whites
Work on Modernism
The Rational South
Open Structures
The Post-Modern City
Concrete Poems
The New Pleasure in Materials
The Curvature of Space