Houses in Provence are today's castles in the air.People hunt them as Tartarin hunted the lion, pursue them as they might Daudet's Arlesienne; they are precise as images, and yet are as hazy as the mirages that the dog-days set floating over the horizons of the Agachole beaches, between the pine groves and Atlantis. This hunt is mine too. My head full of fragments of the past and scraps of the future, I live in expectation of'my house in Provence,which will, when time and place provide, prove the more perfect for every hesitation on the way. This vision will be the final piece in a jigsaw puzzle of childhood and adolescent memories, for "we build the future by enlarging upon the past" (Goethe).
Houses in Provence are today's castles in the air.People hunt them as Tartarin hunted the lion, pursue them as they might Daudet's Arlesienne; they are precise as images, and yet are as hazy as the mirages that the dog-days set floating over the horizons of the Agachole beaches, between the pine groves and Atlantis. This hunt is mine too. My head full of fragments of the past and scraps of the future, I live in expectation of'my house in Provence,which will, when time and place provide, prove the more perfect for every hesitation on the way. This vision will be the final piece in a jigsaw puzzle of childhood and adolescent memories, for "we build the future by enlarging upon the past" (Goethe).
Une maison de reve en Provence Provence de Christian Lacroix
The Provencal Dream House Pref-ace by Christian Lacroix
Ein Traumhaus in der Provence Vorwortvon Christian Lacroix
Photos: Edouard Boubat/TOP
I ntrod uction / E inleitu ng de / by / von Lisa Lovatt-Smith
La Camargue et Nimes
Pierre Lafleur Photos: Guillaumede Laubier
Une roulotte de gitans Photos:Graham Kohn
Nicolas Barrera et Inken Drozd photos:Graham Kuhn
La cabane camarguaise d'Henri Aubanel Photos: Guillaumede Laubier
Le Mas de Cacharel photos: Marianne Haas
Jean Lafont Photos: Marianne Hass
Bruno Caries Photos: Jacques Dirand
Guillemette Goelff Photos:Iacques Denarnaud
Kathy Korvin photos:Guillaume Laubier
Les Alpilles
Gerald Pellen Photos:GuillaumedeLaubier
Sir Terence Conran Photos: Christian Sarramon
IrEne et Giorgio S ilvagni Photos: Guillaume de Laubier
Un rnas en Provence Photos:GuillaumedeLaubier
Emile Garcin photos:Iacqoes Dirand
Jacques Grange Photos:Marianne Hass
Michel Klein Photos: Pascal Chevallier/TOP
Le Vaucluse
Chateau Unang Photos: Erica Lennard
Denis Colomb Photos: Erica Lennard
Le Luberon
Xavier Nicod Photos:Alexandre Bailhache
Marie-Therese et Tony Mayer Photos: Erica Lennard
Anna Bonde et Arne Tengblad photos: Deidi von Schaewen / Philippe Seulliet
Nicole de Vesian Photos: Pascal Chevallier/TOP
Chateau d'Ansouis photos: Erica Lennard
Une bastide pres d'Apt photos: erica Lennard
Daniel Vial Photos: Ierome Darblay; Deidi von Schaewen / Philippe Seulliet
Nasrine Faghih Photos: Jean-Pierre Godeaut
Rosario Moreno et Aldo Franceschini Photos: Gilles Guerin/TOP
En Pays d'Aix
Jean-Marie et Jennifer Rocchia photos: Erica Lennard
Franck Pascal et Marc Heracle Photos:Jer6meDarblay
Martine et Armand Hadida Photos: Deidivon Schaewen
Lillian Williams Photos: Deidi von Schaewen / Philippe Seulliet
Christiane et Serge Cagnolari Photos:Jerome Darblay
Le Var et I'arriere-pays nicois
<<Le chateau de mon pere>> Photos:Iean-PierreGodeaut
La maison d'un marchand d'art photos: Deidivon Schaewen
En rico N avarra photos: Jean-Pierre Godeaut / Philippe Seulliet
Arman Photos:Jean-PierreGodeaut/PhilippeSeulliet
Le facteur a cheval photos: Jean-pierre Godeaut / Philippe Seuiliet
L'atelier de Jacques Henri Lartigue Photos: Guy Hervais
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Addresses and selected <<brocantes>>
Adressen und ausgewahlte <<Brocantes>>
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