Berlin, 1945. In the rubble of the Third Reich no one seemsto have a future and everyone is lying about their past.As Churchill, Stalin and Truman meet to map out the shape ofthe post-war world, the body of an American officer is found with his pockets stuffed with money. Journalist Jake Geismarreturns to the city in search of one last big story to end his war,but instead he finds that another is about to begin...
The Good German takes place in Berlin in July and August of 1945.Any story set in the past runs the inevitable risk of error. This is par-ticularly true of Berlin, whose map has been changed by historyseveral times this past century, and certainly of the chaotic first fewmonths of the Allied occupation, when events happened in suchrapid succession that their chronology is often confused even in contemporary accounts, not to mention faulty memory.