The truth is that women lead all the time——they just don't call it leadership. In their personal and professional lives, women are ignoring the qualities and assets they already possess that can make them great leaders. And in doing so they are sabotaging their careers. Now, in this breakthrough book, bestselling author and internationally recognized executive coach Lois P. Frankel, PhD, shatters the myths of female leadership and empowers women to take charge at work.Filled with practical advice and real-world examples of successful female leaders, this innovative volume reveals the most effective ways women can lead in the business world, the home, or beyond——using their natural capabilities.
The time for women to take charge is now. And SEE JANE LEAD is every woman's 21 ST-century field guide to discovering her leader within.
ONE The Feminization of Leadership
TWO If You Can Run a Household,You Can Be Strategic
THREE Taking Risks: No More Nice Girl
FOUR Influencing With (and Without) Authority
FIVE From Cheerleader to Coach:Motivating People to Achieve Their Best
SIX Leading Teams:From the PTA to the Boardroom
SEVEN A Woman's Secret Weapons: Likability and Emotional Quotients
EIGHT Women as Entrepreneurs:Leading Your Own Enterprise
NINE Raising Our Daughters to Lead
Reading List
About the Author