Introduce children to the stories and characters of the Bible with this best-loved Bible storybook. Now updated with vibrant new art,text. and stories, more than 90 favorite Bible stories come to life, making The Beginner's Bible the perfect starting point for children. They will enjoy the fun illustrations of Noah helping the elephant onto the ark, Jonah praying inside the fish. and more. as they discover The Beginner's Bible just like millions of children before.
The Beginning
Adam and Eve
The Sneaky Snake
Noah's Ark
The Tall Tower
A New Home
The Visitors
A Bride for Isaac
Isaac's Blessing
Jacob's Dream
Jacob and Esau Meet Again
Joseph's Colorful Robe
Pharaoh's Dreams
Joseph Saves His Family
A Baby in a Basket
The Burning Bush
Ten Plagues
The Red Sea
Food From Heaven
Ten Commandments
Twelve Spies
Joshua and the Spies
The Battle of Jericho
Deborah Leads the Way
Gideon's Battle
Ruth and Naomi
Hannah's Prayer
A Voice in the Night
Israel's First King
A Good Heart
David and Goliath
Best Friends
King David
The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Wise King
God Watches Over Elijah
Elijah Helps a Widow
Fire From Heaven
Chariot of Fire
Jars of Oil
Elisha's Room
Naaman Is Healed
Boy King Josiah
The Brave Queen
Fiery Furnace
Daniel and the Lions
Jonah and the Big Fish
An Angel Visits Mary
Baby Jesus Is Born
Shepherds Visit
Simeon and Anna Meet
Baby Jesus
The Bright Star and
Three Visitors
An Angry King
Jesus Is Lost!
John Baptizes Jesus
Jesus Chooses His Disciples
Jesus' First Miracle
Jesus Teaches on a Mountain
The Lord's Prayer
A Captain's Faith
A Hole in the Roof
Jesus Calms the Storm
Two Miracles
A Fishermen's Net
Jesus Feeds Thousands
Jesus Walks on Water
Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar
Money in a Fish
The Good Samaritan
Mary and Martha
The Lost Sheep
The Lost Son
Ten Lepers
Jesus and the Children
A Short Man
Lazarus Lives Again
A Gift for Jesus
The True King
A Poor Widow's Gift
Washing the Disciples' Feet
The Last Supper
Jesus Is Arrested and Crucified
Jesus Is Risen!
Jesus Returns
A Net Full of Fish
Jesus Goes to Heaven
The Holy Spirit Comes
The First Church
The Lame Man
A Changed Man
Paul's Journeys
Earthquake in Prison
Jesus Is Coming!