The absence of experimental evidence is at the core of this controversial situation which means that it is impossible to prove superstring theory is either right or wrong. To date, only the arguments of the theory's advocates have received much publicity. NOT EVEN WRONG provides readers with another side of the story.
NOT EVEN WRONG is a fascinating exploration of our attempts to come to grips with perhaps the most intellectually demanding puzzle of all: how does the universe work at its most fundamental level?
The story begins with an historical survey of the experimental and theoretical developments that led to the creation of the phenomenally successful 'Standard Model' of particle physics around 1975. Despite its successes, the Standard Model did not answer all the key questions and physicists' continuing search for answers led to the development of superstring theory. However, after twenty years, superstring theory has still failed to advance beyond the Standard Model.
About this book
1. Particle Physics at the Turn of the Millennium
2. The Instruments of Production
Basic principles
Experimental particle physics, a quick history
Current accelerators
Accelerators: future prospects
Further reading
3. Quantum Theory
Quantum theory and its history
Further reading
4. Quantum Field Theory
Further reading
5. Gauge Symmetry and Gauge Theories
Further reading
6. The Standard Model
The standard model: electro-weak interactions
The standard model: strong interactions
Further reading
7. Triumph of the Standard Model
Further reading
8. Problems of the Standard Model
9. Beyond the Standard Model
Grand unified theories
Supersymmetry and supergravity
10. New Insights in Quantum Field Theory and Mathematics
Edward Witten
Instantons in Yang-Mills theory and in mathematics
Lattice gauge theory
Large N
Two-dimensional quantum field theories
Anomalies and quantum mechanical symmetry breaking
Topological quantum field theory
Further reading
11. String Theory: History
S-matrix theory
The first string theories
The first superstring theory revolution
The second superstring theory revolution
Recent trends
Further reading
12. String Theory and Supersymmetry: An Evaluation
Superstring theory
String theory, supersymmetry and mathematics
13. On Beauty and Difficulty
14. Is Superstring Theory Science?
15. The Bogdanov Affair
16. The Only Game in Town: The Power and the Glory of String Theory
17. The Landscape of String Theory
18. Other Points of View
19. Conclusion