本书是Java技术经典参考书,多年畅销不衰。第7版在保留以前版本风格的基础上,涵盖Java2开发平台标准版J2SE 5.0的基础知识,内容翔实、深入浅出,附有大量程序实例,极具实用价值,是Java初学者和Java程序员的心备参考书。
本书是Java技术经典参考书,多年畅销不衰。第7版在保留以前版本风格的基础上,涵盖Java2开发平台标准版J2SE 5.0的基础知识,主要内容包括面向对象程序设计、反射与代理、接口与内部类、事件监听器模型、使用Swing UI工具箱进行图形用户界面设计、异常处理、流输入/输出和对象序化、泛型程序设计等。
chapter 1 an lntroduction to java
java as a programming platform
the java“white paper”buzzwords
java and the lnternet
a short history of java
common misconceptions about java
chapter 2 the java programming environment
installing the java development kit
choosing a development environment
using the command-ling tools
using an lntegrated development environment
compiling and running programs from a text editor
running a graphical application
building and running applets
chapter 3 fundamental programmiong structures in java
asimple java program
data types
input and output
control flow
big numbers
chapter 4 objects and classes
introduction to object-oriented programming
using predefied classes
defining your own classes
static fields and methods
method parameters
object construction
documentation cmments
class design hints
chapter 5 inheritance
chapter 6 interfaces and inner classes
chapter 7 graphics programming
chapter 8 event handling
chapter 9 user lnterface components with swing
chapter 10 deploying applets and applications
chapter 11 exceptions and debugging
chapter 12 streams and files
chapter 13 generic programming
java keywords
retrofitting jdk 5.0 code