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书名 巴伦达双头鸟(英汉读本)/世界寓言精选
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 (马来西亚)金龙鱼出版社
出版社 海天出版社







1 The Cat's Judgement


2 The Crow and the Buffalo


3 The Magician and the Tax 0fficer


4 A Colou red Wolf


5 The Foresight of a Swan


6 The Cuckoo and the Falcon


7 When the Birds Chose the Owl as King


8 The Frogs That Rode on the Snake's Back


9 The Most Fragrant Rice


10 The Monkey's Tears


11 Smart,the Jackal


12 The Rabbit Makes a Fool Offhe EIePhant


13 A Proper Bath


14 Tile Wa rrior's Horse and the Donkey


15 The Plover That Fought the Ocean


16 The Bharunda Birds


17 The Beggars' Meeting


18 The King Goes to Heaven


19 The Wild Goose and the Ruby


20 The JackaI and the War Drum


21 The JackaI and the Monkey


22 The Tiger,the Monkey and the Ants


23 The Porcupine and the Elephant


24 The Bamboo Snake


25 The Arroqant OWl


26 A Lesson on Making Bad Friends


27 The Monkey's Prediction


28 Handsome and Theodore


29 The Fate ofthe Elk


30 The Daughter of the Minister


31 The Crow and the Swan


32 Gold Is More Dangerous than a Tiger


33 The Goldsmith and the Blacksmith


34 Change of the Elephant Nature


35 Inspi rations from the Stream


36 Going Forward without Burden


37 Moral Character and Appearance


38 Stupid Scholars


39 Three Bronze Statues


40 Sweet Life


41 Two Parrots


42 The Wolf and the Camel



The Cat's Judgement

Once, in a certain tree in a forest lived a crow. Under that very same tree lived another bird, a partridge. The crow and the partridge soon became good friends since they lived so close to each other.

During the day, the two birds went out on their own to look for food and to carry out other work. But in the evenings when they were both free, they spent their time together exchanging jokes and stories about what had happened to them. They had a lot of fun together.

One day the partridge decided to go with the other partridges to look for food. They went to a place where there was plenty of ripe rice. The partridge did not return home that night. The crow became worried. "Alas!Something bad may have happened to my friend the partridge," thought the crow. "Perhaps she is caught in some trap, or has even been killed." Many days passed and the partridge still did not return home. The crow missed her very much.

Then, one evening a rabbit named Speedy came to the tree. He saw the partridge's empty nest in the hole in the tree. "This is a fine nest for my new home now," Speedy said to himself. And he moved into the partridge's old nest. The crow did not stop the rabbit from moving in as she thought the partridge would never return.

However, one fine day the partridge did return to her old home. She had been staying at the paddy fields, eating plenty of rice and other delicious food. Now she had grown quite plump with all that good food.

When the partridge saw Speedy in her own nest, she was quite displeased and shouted, "Hey, Rabbit!What are you doing here? How dare you take over my nest! Get out. Get out at once!"……P1-2



从前,森林里的某棵树上住着一只乌鸦。树下的一个洞里,也住着一只鹧鸪(zhe gu)。由于乌鸦和鹧鸪住得很靠近,所以便成为一对好朋友。








“喂!兔子,”鹧鸪喊道,“你怎可以趁我不在时占据了我的住所?出来,快出来!”  “不识好歹的东西!”兔子说,“难道你不知道只有居住在屋里的动物,才是真正的屋主吗?这是森林里的规矩。”……P6-7



A fable is an interesting short story intended to impart a philosophy of life or to tell a moral lesson. Since time immemorial, most fables from around the world have animals as their main characters sharing humanly mind and sentiment. They speak the human language and are as emotional as you and I.

Around the sixth century B.C. in India, a Sanskrit version of Panchatantra was believed to be the earliest fables in our entire planet. Later, fables from Aesop, La Fontaine, Lessing and Kriloff were made known to the public in Greece, France, Germany and Russia respectively. In the meantime, a myriad of fabulous stories were rife in ancient China during the Spring and Autumn period, and the period of the Warring States. These fables were mostly published in the works of various scholars. The more famous ones include Zhuang Zhou, Meng Ke, Han Fei and so on. Many postHan dynaSty fabulists hadalso come out with fantastic stories which serve as a link between the past and the future.

Despite their imaginative features, these ancient and modern fables from around the world boast of being "the language of human wisdom" as the storylines are practically true-to-life. The fabulists often gain various experiences and les sons from our everyday life, pick up the moist typical ones, polish them up and turn them into fabulous stories through personification, exaggeration, bsymbolization, simile, metaphor and other literary skills, providing the general audience with well-intentioned guidance and practical advice. They serve to help us gain a better understanding and management of everyday life, including our words and deeds.

As an effort to share various brilliant fabulous masterpieces from around the world with our gen eral audience, Penerbit Arowana Sdn Bhd hascompiled and published a series of books entitled "World's Great Fables". Some of the most interesting fables were painstakingly selected, rewritten in a simple style, and enhanced with lively and attractive illustrations.

"World's Great Fables" is a set of readers which can be enjoyed by both the young and the old.

                   Heng Kay Song


            Department of Chinese Studies

            University of Malaya



大约在公元前六世纪左右,印度出现了梵文本的《五卷书》,它可能是世上最早的寓言故事。后来,在希腊出现了《伊索寓言》,在法国出现了《拉封丹寓言》、 在德国出现了《莱辛寓言》,在俄国出现了《克雷洛夫寓言诗》等等。至于口国,早在几乎同个时候的春秋战国时代,也涌现了大量的寓言故事。这些寓言故事大多散布在诸子的著作里。其中尤以,《庄子》、《孟子》、《韩非子》等子书上的寓言,最为脍炙人口。汉代以后的寓言家也扮演承先启后的角色,撰写了许多非常精彩的寓言故事。










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