这是由一篇博士论文改编而成的学术专著,全书以英文的形式呈现。 本书最后得出的结论是:中国学习者在英语动词使用上所表现的不足,究其根本原因还在于学习者对英语中能体现动词用法的典型词块掌握不够。
List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Corpus Linguistics and SLA Research
1.1 The Characteristic Features ofthe Corpus Approach
1.2 Types ofAnalysis in SLA Research
1.3 Learner Corpora:the Meeting—point of SLA and Corpus
1.4 Summary
Chapter Two Approaching Verbs
2.1 Grammar and Verbs
2.2 Grammar and Lexis
2.3 Verbs and Its Immediate Linguistic Context
2.4 A Comparison of Chinese Learners’Behaviour Of VlerbS
wim That of the Native Speakers
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Research Methodology
3.1 Corpus Data
3.2 The Verbs to Be Investigated
3.3 TwO Aspects of the Use of Verbs
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Research Results and Discussions
4.1 The Uses of Individual VerbS
4.2 Comparisons Between Uses of Verbs
4.3 The Uses of the Different Forms of Verbs
4.4 Some General Conclusions
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Further Discussions
5.1 The Notion of Chunk
5.2 Chunks and the Learners’Uses of Verbs
5.3 The Learning of the Native Speakers’Typical Chunks
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusions and Implications
6.1 Summary and Conclusions
6.2 Implications
6.3 Directions for Further Research