安德森是一位在中西部乡镇文化熏陶下成长起来的美国小说家,他自 自终深深眷恋着故乡及故乡的人民。在其艺术创作中,他更是将这种感情加以升华,表达了对人类生存状态的一种深切的关怀。这并不意味着安德森会讳言乡镇生活的种种简陋丑恶之处,相反,他在作品中毫不留情地撕去人们记忆中乡镇生活温情脉脉的面纱,暴露乡镇生活粗俗平庸而又自命不凡的真实面目。安德森在这方面极其客观的态度加上他早年告别故乡小镇克莱德赴芝加哥谋生而至起家以及中年弃商从文的经历很容易使人误会他对中西部乡镇的感情。于是像卡尔·范·多伦、弗雷德里克·霍夫曼和阿尔弗雷德·卡辛等不乏深刻见解的批评家也会把安德森视作“反叛的乡村”的代表人物。“反叛——成功”,似乎这就是安德森真实生活和创作的典型模式。
The Phenomenon of Sherwood Anderson
Two Misconceptions: "The Revolt of the Village" and "One-Book" Writer
Anderson's Art of Short Fiction
Chapter One The Essence of Things
Winesburg and Clyde: Vision and Reality
The Essence of Things: A Literary Perspective
Moving Away from Naturalism: A Mixture of Tradition and Modernity
Winesburg: The Essence of an Age
Chapter Two Moments of Insight
A Freudian or a Genius in His Own Right?
The Grotesque: A Fable of American Estrangement
Moments of Insight: An Intuitive Method of Characterization
Chapter Three The Voice of Love
"A Hushed Bardic Chant"
The Voice of Love
Music Heard from Far Off
Works Cited