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书名 | 鲁迅杂文选 |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 鲁迅 |
出版社 | 外文出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 鲁迅的杂文是他的文学作品中极其重要的一部分,通过他的杂文可以了解他对中国文化的理解,也可以了解当时的中国社会的状况。本书是“经典的回声”系列中的一分册,选取了鲁迅先生50篇极具代表性的杂文,其中有他对中国文化的深刻批判,也有对社会现象的针砭时弊,还包括他的政治观、哲学观等等。本书采用中英对照的形式,既有利于研究中国文化的外国人学习中文,也有利于学习英文的中国人,特别是本书选用了著名翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭先生的翻译版本,致力于从事翻译工作和爱好翻译的人都将从中受益匪浅。 内容推荐 本书是《经典回声》系列之一。收录了50篇鲁迅杂文,均是精雕细琢,中文作品及相应的英译版本均堪称经典。这些英译精品,不单有对外译介的意义,而且对国内英文学习者、爱好者及英译工作者,也是极有价值的读本。 目录 我之节烈观 随感录六十二恨恨而死 我们现在怎样做父亲 智识即罪恶 未有天才之前 说胡须 看镜有感 战士和苍蝇 导师 论“费厄泼赖”应该缓行 这个与那个 “死地” 无声的中国 革命时代的文学 小杂感 文学和出汗 流氓的变迁 中华民国的新“堂.吉诃德”们 观斗 为了忘却的记念 我怎么做起小说来 现代史 中国人的生命圈 夜颂 二丑艺术 沙 中国的奇想 上海的儿童 秋夜纪游 小品文的危机 看变戏法 世故三昧 关于妇女解放 火 “京派”与“海派” 关于中国的两三件事 论“旧形式的采用” 拿来主义 玩具 看书琐记(1.2.3) 从孩子的照相说起 运命 隐士 “文人相轻” 在现代中国的孔夫子 论人言可畏 陀思妥夫斯基的事 我要骗人 “这也是生活”…… 死 注释 附录 试读章节 我之节烈观 “世道浇漓,人心日下,国将不国”这一类话,本是中国历来的叹声。不过时代不同,则所谓“日下”的事情,也有迁变:从前指的是甲事,现在叹的或是乙事。除了“进呈御览”的东西不敢妄说外,其余的文章议论里,一向就带这口吻。因为如此叹息,不但针砭世人,还可以从“日下”之中,除去自己。所以君子固然相对慨叹,连杀人放火嫖妓骗钱以及一切鬼混的人,也都乘作恶余暇,摇着头说道,“他们人心日下了。” 世风人心这件事,不但鼓吹坏事,可以“日下”;即使未曾鼓吹,只是旁观,只是赏玩,只是叹息,也可以叫他“日下”。所以近一年来,居然也有几个不肯徒托空言的人,叹息一番之后,还要想法子来挽救。第一个是康有为,指手画脚的说“虚君共和”才好,陈独秀便斥他不兴;其次是一班灵学派的人,不知何以起了极古奥的思想,要请“孟圣矣乎”的鬼来画策;陈百年钱玄同刘半农又道他胡说。 MY VIEWS ON CHASTITY "The world is going to the dogs! Men are growing more degenerate every day! The country is faced with ruin !" --such laments have been heard in China since time immemorial. But "degeneracy" varies from age to age. It used to mean one thing, now it means another. Except in memorials to the throne and the like, in which no one dares make wild statements, this is the tone of all written and spoken pronouncements. For not only is such carping good for people; it removes the speaker from the ranks of the degenerate. That gentlemen sigh when they meet is only natural. But now even murderers, incendiaries, libertines, swindlers and other scoundrels shake their heads in the intervals between their crimes and mutter: "Men are grow-ing more degenerate every day!" As far as morality goes, inciters to evil are not the only degenerates. So are those who simply condone it, delight in it or deplore it. That is why some men this year have actually not contented themselves with empty talk, but after express-ing their horror have looked round for a remedy. The first was Kang Yu-wei. Stamping and sawing the air, he declared "con-stitutional monarchy" the panacea. He was refuted by Chen Tu-hsiu,2 who was followed by the spiritualists who some-how or other hit on the weird idea of inviting the ghost of Mencius to devise a policy for them. However, Chert Pai-nien, Chien Hsuan-tung and Liu Pan-hung3 swear they are talking nonsense. 这儿篇驳论,都是《新青年》里最可寒心的文章。时候已是二十世纪了;人类眼前,早已闪出曙光。假如《新青年》里,有一篇和别人辩地球方圆的文字,读者见了,怕一定要发怔。然而现今所辩,正和说地体不方相差无几。将时代和事实,对照起来,怎能不教人寒心而且害怕? 近来虚君共和是不提了,灵学似乎还在那里捣鬼,此时却又有一群人,不能满足;仍然摇头说道,“人心日下”了。于是又想出一种挽救的方法;他们叫作“表彰节烈”! 这类妙法,自从君政复古时代以来,上上下下,已经提倡多年;此刻不过是竖起旗帜的时候。文章议论里,也照例时常出现,都嚷道“表彰节烈”!要不说这件事,也不能将自己提拔,出于“人心日下”之中。 Those articles refuting them in New Youth are enough to make anyone's blood run cold. This is the twentieth century, and dawn has already broken on mankind. If New Youth were to carry an article debating whether the earth were square or round, readers would almost certainly sit up. Yet their present arguments are pretty well on a par with contending that the earth is not square. That such a debate should continue to-day is enough to make anyone's blood run cold! Though constitutional monarchy is no longer discussed, the spiritualists still seem to be going strong. But they have failed to satisfy another group, who continued to shake their heads and mutter: "Men are growing more degenerate every day!" These, in fact, have thought up a different remedy, which they call "extolling chastity." For many years now, ever since the failure of the reform-ists and the call for a return to the past, devices like this have been generally approved: all we are doing now is raising the old banners. Moreover, in step with this, writers and public speakers keep singing the praises of chastity. This is their only way to rise above those who are "growing more degen-erate every day."……P2-5 序言 本社专事外文图书的编辑出版,几十年来用英文翻译出版了大量的中国文学作品和文化典籍,上自先秦,下迄现当代,力求全面而准确地反映中国文学及中国文化的基本面貌和灿烂成就。这些英译图书均取自相关领域著名的、权威的作品,英译则出自国内外译界名家。每本图书的编选、翻译过程均极其审慎严肃,精雕细琢,中文作品及相应的英译版本均堪称经典。 我们意识到,这些英译精品,不单有对外译介的意义,而且对国内英文学习者、爱好者及英译工作者,也是极有价值的读本。为此,我们对这些英译精品做了认真的遴选,编排成汉英对照的形式,陆续推出,以飨读者。 外文出版社 |
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