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书名 管理学基础--核心概念与应用(第4版英文影印版MBA核心课程精选教材)
分类 经济金融-管理-管理学
作者 罗宾斯
出版社 北京大学出版社




畅销性:本书作者stephen P.Robbins的著作被美国斯坦福等上千所大学和商学院用作管理教科书,同时还被中国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、荷兰和斯堪地那维亚等国家和地区的上千所大学采用为教材。



第一部分 介绍

第一章 管理者与管理


第二章 当前经济形势下的管理

第二部分 计划

第三章 计划的基础

第四章 决策制定的基础


第三部分 组织

第五章 组织设计基础

第六章 员工及人力资源管理

第七章 变化、压力及革新的管理

第四部分 领导

第八章 个体行为和集体行为的基础

第九章 了解工作团队

第十章 激励和奖励员工

第十一章 领导管理与信任

第十二章 沟通及人际能力

第五部分 控制

第十三章 控制的基础

第十四章 操作及价值链管理






Every author who sits down to write a book has a set of assumptions-either explicit or implicit--that guides what is included and what is excluded. We want to state ours up front. Management is an exciting field. The subject matter encompassed in an introductory management text is inherently exciting. We're talking about the real world. We're talking about why StrawberryFrog is revolutionizing the international advertising industry; how an entrepreneurial venture, Zane's Cycles, competes so effectively against large retail chains; why companies like Cincinnati Milacron and British Airways have achieved ISO 9000 certification to demonstrate their commitment to quality; how Trttfresh LLC operates a virtual organization; how the leadership of Rudy Giuliani comforted a nation; and how a lack of control mechanisms and ethics led to the fall of corporate giants like Enron, Adelphia, and WortdCom. A good management text should capture this excitement. How? Through a crisp and conversational writing style, elimination of nonessential details, a focus on issues that are relevant to the reader, and inclusion of examples and visual stimuli to make concepts come alive.

It's our belief that management shouldn't be studied solely from the perspective of "top management," "billion-dollar companies," or "U.S. corporations." The subject matter in management encompasses everyone from the lowest supervisor to the chief executive officer. The content should give as much attention to the challenges and opportunities in supervising a team of five, some of whom may be telecommutinlz, as those in directing a staff of MBA-educated vice presidents. Similarly, not every-one wants to work for a Fortune 500 company.Readers who are interested in working in small businesses, entrepreneurial ventures, or not-for-profit organizations should find the descriptions of management concepts applicable to their needs. Finally, organizations operate today in a global village. Readers must understand how to adjust their practices to reflect differing cultures.Our book addresses each of these concerns.

Before we committed anything to paper and included it in this book, we made sure it met our "so what?" test. Why would someone need to know this fact? If the relevance isn't overtly clear, either the item should be omitted or its relevance should be directly explained. In addition, content must be timely. We live in dynamic times. Changes are taking place at an unprecedented pace. A textbook in a dynamic field such as management must reflect this fact by including the latest concepts and practices. Ours does!

This book is organized around the four traditional functions of management--planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. It is supplemented with material that addresses current issues affecting managers. For example, we take the reader through "Managing in Today's World" (Chapter 2), "Understanding Work Teams"(Chapter 9), "Leadership and Trust" (Chapter 11), and "Value Chain Management"(Chapter 14). We also integrate throughout the text such contemporary topics as technology, entrepreneurship, empowerment, diversity, and continuous improvements. There are a total of 14 chapters, plus 3 modules that describe the evolution of management thought, focus on popular quantitative techniques used in business today, and provide some special information to students regarding how to build their management careers.

Fundamentals of Management, Fourth Edition, is lean and focused. Since the last edition, there have been a number of topics that needed to be included. But we didn't want to simply add pages to cover the new material. Rather, to keep the book at 14 chapters, we had to make some difficult decisions regarding the cutting and reshaping of material. We were greatly assisted in this process by feedback from previous users. The result, we believe, is a text that identifies the essential elements students'need in an introductory management course.

It's not enough, however, to simply know about management. Today's students need the skills and competencies to succeed in management. So we enhanced our "Management Workshop" section at the end of each chapter. The "Management Workshop" is designed to help students build analytical, diagnostic, team-building,investigative, and writing skills. We address these skill areas in several ways. For example, we include experiential exercises to develop team-building skills; cases to build diagnostic, analytical, and decision-making skills; and suggested topical writing assignments to enhance writing skills.














本套丛书的顺利出版还得到了培生教育出版集团(Pearson Education)北京办事处的大力支持,对他们的付出我们也致以深深的谢意。  教辅材料说明

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