What is branding? From a business point of view, branding in the marketplace is very similar to branding on the ranch.
A branding program should be'designed to differentiate your product from all the other cattle on the range. Even if all the other cattle on the range look pretty much alike.
Successful branding programs are based on the concept of singularity. The objective is to create in the mind of the prospect the perception that there is no other product on the market quite like your product.
Can a successful brand appeal to everybody? No. The same concept of singularity makes certain that no one brand can possibly have a universal appeal...
This marketing classic has been expanded to includenew commentary, new illustrations, and a bonus book:
The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding
Smart and accessible, The 22 Immutable Lows of Branding is the definitive text on branding, pairing anecdotes about some of the best brands in the world, like Rolex, Volvo, and Heineken, with the signature savvy of market-ing gurus AI and Laura Ries. Combining The 22 Immutable Laws o[Branding and The 11 Immutable Laws o[ Internet Branding, this book proclaims that the only way to stand out in today's marketplace is to build your product or ser-vice into a brand--and provides the step-by-step instructions you need to do so.
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding also tackles one of the most challeng- ing marketing problems today: branding on the Web. The Rieses divulge the controversial and counterintuitive strategies and secrets that both small and large companies have used to establish Internet brands. The 22 Immutable Laws o[Branding is the essential primer on building a category-dominating,world-class brand.
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
1 The Law of Expansion
2 The Law of ContractiOn
3 The Law of Publicity
4 The Law of Advertising
5 The Law of the Word
6 The Law of Credentials
7 The Law of Quality
8 The Law of the Category
9 The Law of the Name
10 The Law of Extensions
11 The Law of Fellowship
12 The Law of the Generic
13 The Law of the Company
14 The Law of Subbrands
15 The Law of Siblings
16 The Law of Shape
17 The Law of Color
18 The Law of Borders
19 The Law of Consistency
20 The Law of Change
21 The Law of Mortality
22 The Law of Singularity
The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding
1 The Law of Either/Or
2 The Law of Interactivity
3 The Law of the Common Name
4 The Law of the Proper Name
5 The Law of Singularity
6 The Law of Internet Advertising .
7 The Law of Globalism
8 The Law of Time
9 The Law of Vanity
10 The Law of Divergence
11 The Law of Transformation