The work of Edward Cullinan Architects has never been fashionable. Admired, certainly;imitated or adapted, undoubtedly; but fashionable is not the adjedive. Why is this? Partly because the work is difficult to pigeonhole, which for elements of the media makes it of minor interest; more significantly, because it has either bypassed,or provided an oblique critique of, the various architectural moods and ideologies which have suffused British architedure in the last 50 years.
Edward Cullinan is an admirer of Cubism,and a product of that demanding architectural taskmaster Denys Lasdun.Yet it would be impossible to identify the Cullinan oeuvre as directly relating to either,except in the negative sense that the practice never succumbed to the advances of those arrogant opponents of Modernism and all its works. They might have imagined that a firm which had designed some gates for the Prince of Wales (never implemented), and who were clearly out of love with Brutalism and high-tech, might have been ripe for conversion to postmodernism in all its toytown pomp. Not a chance.
Beginning Ends
Middles Beginnings
Paul Finch
Archaeolink Visitor Centre
Photographic Essays by Richard Learoyd
Territories: Architecture
as Place-Making
Routes and Journeys
Fountains Abbey Visitor Centre
Making Places
Ready Mix Concrete International
The Geometry of an Idea
Islands of Order
Platonic Pavilions
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Sections: From
the Cave to the Nest
Solar Sections
Breathing Buildings
Cave and Horizon
Inhabited Roofs
Earth to Sky
Layered Facades
Camden Mews
The Art of Making
Doing It Yourself
System Building
Four Elements of Architecture
Striated Walls
Skin and Scales
Multiple Layers
Downland Gridshell
Context: An Architecture
of Resistance
Thanks and Credits
Selected Projeds and Buildings
Further Reading