"The whole air of the story is rich and strange and coherent; there is something of Hans Andersen's power to move and George MacDonald's power to create strange worlds, and it is, naturally, beautifully written."
-- The Guardian, February 23, 1951, reviewing
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the first book written in
The Chronicles of Narnia
"The greatest addition to the imperish- able deposit of children's literature since the Jungle Books. Narnia takes its place forever now beside the jasper-lucent landscapes of Carroll, Andersen, MacDonald and Kipling."
--Charles A. Brady, America, October 27, 1956, reviewing all seven books after publication of the final one. The Last Battle
BEYOND THE WARDROBE is the first official full-color guide to C. S. Lewis's best-selling fantasy classics that comprise The Chronicles of Narnia. This extravagant companion is perfect for established fans and newcomers to the books as well as tbr those who have seen the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion. the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Take an exciting tour through the series that has been heralded as the standard by which all fantasy realms must be measured.
Find out about C. S. Lewis and the mythical and historical origins of Narnia.
Watch the great tale untbld book by book as you journey to the Lone Islands, cross the Lantern Waste and stand atop Aslan's How:
Discover the powers and magic behind the characters.
Witness battles of epic proportions between good and evil.
Lavishly illustrated with original artwork and archival photos as well as images from the spectacular movie, this indispensable volume takes readers beyond the wardrobe and into one of the great classic series of all time.
Entering the Warorobe
The Cale Celler's Secrets
The Great Cale
The Magic Lanos of Narnia
Getting There and Back
Narnia's Rodal Vistitors
The People and Creatures of Narnia
The Story Continues