Executed with incredible precision, Helmut Ditch’s paintings convey the dizzying heights and Iserene grandeur of the mountains he has himself climbed. But they are more than photograph-like depictions of alpine scenery in Europe, North, and South America. These paintings draw their energy from Ditsch’s ability to infuse his work with his love for mountaineering and his own experience of the summits.
Executed with incredible precision, Helmut Ditch’s paintings convey the dizzying heights and Iserene grandeur of the mountains he has himself climbed. But they are more than photograph-like depictions of alpine scenery in Europe, North, and South America. These paintings draw their energy from Ditsch’s ability to infuse his work with his love for mountaineering and his own experience of the summits.
Die Praizision von Helmut Ditschs Darstellungen alpiner und nord- und sudamerikanscher Bergwelten offenbart die Vertrautheit dieses groben Kunstlers mit schwindelerregende Hohen und atemberaubenden Landschaften. Seine Liebe zum Bergsteigen und die Begegnung mit beruhmten Gipfeln hat seinen Gemalden Leben eingehaucht.
Realizadas con una increible precision, las pinturas de Helmut Ditsch muestran las alturas vertiginosas y la serena grandeza de las montanas que del lmismo ha escalado. Pero su obra no se limita a reproducir fielmente los paisajes alpinos de Europa, Norteamerica y Sudamerica: ademes irradia la pasion por el montanismo del pintor y sus profundas vivencias en las cumbres.
Doubts,Fears and Feeling High
The Triumph of Painting