The firm of Johann Loetz Witwe-known universally as Loetz-was the most highly regarded art-glass manufacturer in Bohemia in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Like its near contemporary, the American firm Tiffany, Loetz created Jugendstil glass noted for its brilliance of design and rich color schemes. The firm's designers were influenced by their contact with the fin-de-siecle Viennese art scene, in particular the artistic circle around Josef Hoffmann and Koloman Moser. Loetz pieces ranged in style from iridescent colored glass to monochrome opal glass; all were distinguished by their superb craftsmanship.
This monograph features a representative selection of extraordinary works by Loetz in superb color illustrations. It includes a comprehensive scholarly appendix filled with more than three hundred decorative types developed by Loetz.An accompanying CD-ROM includes nearly five thousand cut-out paper patterns, providing an extensive overview of the diversity of the glass manufacturer"s production.
Renee Price
Loetz Re-Examined
Jan Mergl, Ernst Ploil, and Helmut Ricke
Helmut Ricke
The Loetz Gtassworks
Their Significance and Position in the Internationat Context
Jan Mergl and Dufia Panenkova
The History of the Firm, Its Production, and Sates
Pretiminary Remarks
Abbreviations and Symbots Used in This Votume
HISTORICISM (1880-1897)
A Focus on Techniques
The Turn to Art Nouveau [1898-19001
The Paris Exposition Universelle in 1900
Franz Hofstotter
Production after 1900
Eduard Prohaska
Collaboration with Distributors and Artists
J. & L. Lobmeyr, Vienna
Glass for E. Bakalowits S6hne, Vienna
Josef Hoffmann
Leopold Bauer
Koloman Moser
Robert Holubetz
Karl Kellermann
Moser School
Jutta Sika
Antoinette Krasnik
Arno Richter
Hubert Gessner
Marie Kirschner
Richard Teschner
Leopold Bauer
Marie Wilfert-Waltl
Otto Prutscher
Adotf Beckert
The Wiener Werkstatte
The Osterreichischer Werkbund
Consignment List of Glassware
Made for the 1914 Werkbund Exhibition in Cologne
Orders of the Wiener Werkstaitte from Loetz
Josef Hoffmann
Carl Witzmann
Milla Weltmann
Dagobert Peche
Arnold Nechansky
Michael Powolny
Hans Bolek
LOOKING BACK (1918-1940)
A Return to Otd Techniques 11918-1940l
Anonymous Designs
Michaet Powotny
The Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs
et Industriels Modernes, Paris, 1925
Marey Beckert-Schider
Otto Prutscher
Anonymous Designs
Catalogue of Decoration
Signatures and Marks
The Firm"s History
Artist Biographies
How to Make an Iridescent Glass
Abbreviated References